DIGITAL DRUGS, A SciFi Fantasy Short by Yvette Kendall
Yvette De Monacheaux
Stravard Lux Publishing & Distribution Co. | Screenwriter | Author of SciFi & Horror (English & French)| The GOD Maps | NORTH, The Social Justice Horror Thriller | The Revelation Activation | Creator of Biblical Futurism
Welcome to an excerpt from an upcoming novel by Yvette Kendall. A portion of this story concept is already included in he first novel "The GOD Maps" Volume I. These short stories a the seedlings of her new effort with There you will find weekly Futuristic Fantasy Shorts by Women of Color. So please, take a read and enjoy!
Digital Drugs
Mora used to stick the needles between her toes...that was her favorite place. She did that to hide her track marks as best she could. Mora has a very visible job and needle marks aren’t part of the optics package.
Running a Youth Organization required her to be in the presence of many parents and executives on the daily bases. Mora’s facility was full of children and employees, but she was focused on something else. Huddled under her desk, all she could think about now was this hit of heroin that she just took.
Her brain floods with dopamine, an electric rush of intense pleasure...and then the infamous nod. The euphoria doesn’t last long, her skin is beginning to become red and flushed, the heaviness is already here and a dry mouth comes next.
Mora attempts to moisten her mouth and smack her lips together. The pasty dryness on her tongue is unbelievable as the hit descends. The less pleasurable feelings associated with heroin seeps in; like the extreme itching, nausea, and vomiting.
The pleasure is gone. Mora typically enters into a period of drowsiness for a few hours, but not anymore. Heroin used to be smoked, injected or snorted. When heroin was injected into veins, she experienced the most intense high almost immediately, in under 10-seconds she was where she needed to be. However, your body builds up a tolerance quickly! The first high is usually the most intense you’ll ever have.
Years later, Mora is still addicted to heroin but things have changed since the onset of “Digital Drugs”. You can’t build up a tolerance to these drugs because they are never entering your physical system, so each high is the first high.
Digital Drugs are unique. They're sound waves that are sent and received digitally and audibly. When received (via smartphone), the user types in a (one-time use) 4-digit password to retrieve it. Your digitized high are to be listened to via special headphones, earbuds, or Bluetooth.
They are sound waves that manipulate the brain's activity and gives the recipient a euphoric feeling of being high. During their using episodes, it can even give the user particular sound waves that trick the brain into believing that they are tasting, smelling and having other sensations associated with their brand of drug.
Different audio clips offer a different high sensation.The dealer only needs one version of each type of drug clips and can re-sale that coded clip millions of times over, much like an mp3 file of a song. The sale of the drugs is completely digital. It can be purchased with bitcoin and other digital currency.
We'll leave it there for now, hopefully this excerpt has piqued your interest and left you wanting a little bit more. Below we will leave links to explore regarding the most current released novel and where you can read weekly SciFi shorts.
Black Fem Futurist: and The GOD Maps SciFi Novel: