Digital Discipline
Dr Sp Mishra
Author I Certified Career Mentor I Start-up Founder & Cofounder I Podcaster I Consultant I Ex-JCB I Ex-Wirtgen
Digital Discipline
Facebook has 2.9 billion Monthly Active Users. The 5 big tech companies of the world (Google, Apple, Meta, Amazon, & Microsoft) had $ 1.4 Trillion as their sales revenue for calendar year 2021. This is more than the GDP of many countries in the world. There are only 14 countries in the world whose GDP was more than $ 1.4 Trillion in the year 2021.
According to Statista, the current number of smartphone users in the world today is 6.648 billion, and this means 83.72% of the world’s population owns a smartphone. This figure is up considerably from 2016 when there were only 3.668 billion users, 49.40% of that year’s global population.
In 2022, including both smart and feature phones, the current number of mobile phone users is 7.26 billion, which makes 91.54% of people in the world cell phone owners. Feature phones are the basic cell phones without apps and complex OS systems, more prominent in developing countries.
Statista predicts substantial growth for all cellular-enabled phones, tablets or IoT devices on a global scale. The company’s data sources estimate that in the next three years, we’ll see the number of mobile device users increase from 6.378 to 7.516 billion.
Somewhat of a bold prediction, but the World Advertising Research Center believes that due to the growth of smartphone adoption, 72.6% of all internet users will be accessing web pages via a smartphone. To put this in perspective, 57.14% (2 billion people) of the global smartphone user base exclusively access the internet today through their smartphone. It is estimated by 2027, the e-commerce will be $ 57 Trillion from the current level of $ 13 Trillion.
I can go on and on to dish out more such data, which are again available on the internet at the click of the button on a smart phone or computer.
Healthcare, Manufacturing, Energy and Agriculture sectors are all converging with AI, Machine Learning and Digital Technology to become more smart, efficient and productive to the needs of the world. So, digital technology is already an integral part of lives and will become even more in the years to come.
As experts say, Data is the new oil, and I dare say, Digital technology is the new Oxygen. We can not live without Oxygen for our body. We cannot survive without Digital technology when every possible data is available, and every possible activity is conducted now from Learning to Healthcare to working and many other things in between online today.
However, the danger we have is how to use the technology to our advantage and not fall prey to the predatory designs of the creators. Companies are trying to sell their products, Political parties are pushing their narratives, Big tech companies are now the new colonial masters of the world and can manipulate even elections, Some of them are even investing on technology to live much longer than the rest and so on. Technology is only trying to do what its creators are wanting it perform without any bias or humane thinking. The use of the Technology is only furthering the cause of Capitalism at a much greater pace. As per the futurist, Gerd Leonhard, Capitalism as we know it is UNFIT FOR THE FUTURE. We need more of Sustainable Capitalism. Watch the Good Future video: ?
There is a real danger to the existence of real human being if we don’t exercise the control to use the technology to our advantage and not get trapped by the technology itself.
I am trying few experiments myself; as Gandhi ji said famously, “Be the change you wish to see in the world”. Basically, it means don’t preach to others to change. I don’t expect the world to change. But if I can bring a change at least in one person, who reads this article, then possibly I will be happy.
What is the Digital Discipline I am trying to adapt?
Rule#1: Delete the Social Media Icons from the Smart phone
Remove the Social media icons from the Smart phone. I have not yet moved away from the social media, as through them only I can reach the target audience for my products and services. But by removing from the Smart phone, I cannot access the social media channels constantly. To access them I have to switch on my laptop or computer.
Rule#2: Create a Time Window for Using the WhatsApp:
In India WhatsApp has virtually replaced the standard text messaging. Now-a-days, we use the text messages only to receive the OTP notifications, and bank transaction details (mostly). However, being part of Meta, WhatsApp, cannot remain a simple messaging App. So, you do could a lot using WhatsApp apart from just messaging. The trouble is, WhatsApp has also become the new tool for propaganda spreading. Unlike the DLT regulations used in the messaging services, the WhatsApp has remained relatively free of any regulatory shackles. So, while I can not change the way, WhatsApp is evolving, I can restrict the use of it by limiting my time to access. Since, I find a lot of my client interact with me on this platform, now I have restricted the use of WhatsApp to 9:30 Am to 6:30 PM daily.
Rule#3: Switch off Mobile phone
Many people don’t even switch off the mobile through 24 hours, as if, they will loose something if the mobile is off. I have been following this rule for many years now. Between 11 pm to 9 am in the morning I switch off the mobile phone. In case, someone needs to reach out, can always call on the landline at home.
I never felt, I missed out anything because of keeping the mobile off during this period.
Rule#4 Read physical books/Magazines in the freed-up time
If you follow the Rules 1 to 3, you will be able to free up a lot of time for yourself so invest that time wisely on self-development through some activity which is not digital or online activity.
The digital world is full of knowledge, & information, one can learn a lot from the digital world but at same time, one can easily sucked into different rabbit-holes of the digital world (some may be useful and others may be time suckers). So, the best way to keep updating oneself is to read a book, or a magazine or a newspaper (all in their physical form). There will be far less distraction (unlike from the unsolicited ads/popups on the digital platforms) and one can regain a lot of concentration back.