Digital Detox Amid Lockdown
How deleting many social media apps and limiting phone usage, helped me being a better person

Digital Detox Amid Lockdown

You are struggling to sleep and started surfing your phone, one post then another, one video then another then another then another……
You pick up your phone to check time-> lots of notifications, chats, posts, videos then suddenly try to recall “for what actually, I picked my phone”.

Sounds like “You”! Yes, this happens with all of us almost every time.

I think these two signs are enough for you to either limit your phone usage or go for a digital detox.

Many of us are having such jobs or businesses that you have to wrap your phone like clothes to your body otherwise you feel naked and perturbed. I am not suggesting spending your time in a cabin in the woods as it will not resonate well with your Boss if you have a job that requires computer screens or phone access.

You can do intermittent fasting of not using your phone to completely detach yourself from social or digital media. There are many blogs, articles, and wonderful explanatory posts about digital detox, how you can do it along with its profound benefits.

In my article, I want to talk more about how I impregnated it in my daily routine and got benefitted. You can customize your detox journey as per your best interest.

Me before Digital Detox

Having checked my phone first thing in the morning and last at night, left me with a little window to live my life out of the phone world. Not to mention it blurred my sight, buzzed my brain with lots of rackets, clouded my thinking with smoothies of various weird unrelated thoughts from different apps, social media, lots of crappy posts, startled jerks from continuous pings, notifications and people. Worst of all, I remain grumpy the whole day including nights. As if my cognitive thinking wandering far away on vacation to different dreamy-creamy places of my bucket lists, here I lay swimming between various apps on my phone.

At some point, we all prayed, fought, and stole those Leaves or Work from Home to almost do nothing at home or utilized that free time to finish our personal projects like sound sleep, shopping, finishing that book or series, writing our fiction, painting, etc. God heard our prayer and granted a blessing in disguise “Lockdown”. (I really pray such time should never come again). Being Human, an ungrateful creature, what did I do. I can confidently say about myself that I ruined this chance though before it was too late.

Iterations of the same events, struggling to sleep at night, watching one video after another just to realize it's already morning, cursing myself with a promise to follow a routine. Sleeping in the afternoon, shrinking my productive (“You can achieve it”) window into diminutive flickering hours full of complaints, curses, negativity, failure, obscurity, and whatnot.

I was losing it and hated me more

I craved to throw my phone on several occasions but few dying senses caught hold on to that thought. There was still some hope, minuscule, inside me.

As always, I am a strong-headed, resilient brat with a powerful grit, who never quits.

“Better late than never” One day after looking at big dark fluffy clouds under my eyes as if it’s ready to explode, baffled I looked around, it was not only the problem with my face but with the whole house, it was swelling up to go berserk. I am generally a very organized person who takes care of her health, beauty, and a well-followed routine.

I abhorred myself.

I knew I cannot sustain like this and my “I Never Quit” attitude buckled up and went on to tackle this.

How I rectified the situation for a win-win: It’s proven by a study that smartphones are more detrimental than other devices like laptops, tablets, PC. So I concentrated more on its detachment.

If you can resonate with any of the status quo, believe me Detoxing yourself will bring immense pleasure. Let me convince you more-

  • Write down the things you did in the past by taking that Work from Home or availing Sick Leave to work on your 'personal goals' {in your full health}. It could be anything like sleeping those extra hours, self-pampering, reading a book, or working on your side hustle to it’s just “ME” time?
  • Then check your screen time in settings or if you have any option to check that which app is consuming your maximum time, how long you remain active on phone on an average.
  • Then compare if those time-killing apps (which have got nothing to do with your job or life, not serving you food or singing lullaby and without which you won’t die) had not there, how much time you would have had.
  • Now list down what all you ‘could have done’ in those time blocks-preparing a whole week meal, finishing a book, or might be penning down your ideas onto paper, learning that new skills, etc.

Now you have some idea, what is good for you.

But if you are still not convinced, let me share some scientific facts-

  • According to a new study, blue light emanated from laptops and smartphones are causing severe harm to our vision by damaging our retina and brain cells along with aging you fast without you realizing it. (The research was conducted at Oregon State University). It also messes with your natural sleep-wake cycle, which increases your risk of serious illness like obesity, cancer, and diabetes.
  • At this time of social distancing and isolation, smartphones & devices, Social media proved to be vital tools to keep you in touch with your family, friends, and work. But excessive use of social media is befouling your personality too. It’s fuelling anxiety, depression, FOMO, impacting self-esteem, negativity, racism, narcissism, cyberbullying, isolation, and so forth. Giving air to lots of gibberish rumors.

From the above two arguments, it’s evident that the overuse of technology is harmful and impacts our productivity and health. You are unable to focus due to constant distractions (Notifications). Divert your attention to the phone even when there is no notification or requirement. Sloppy mistakes, uncomfortableness to have face to face discussion. No fresh air or less time outdoors.

Now, let me share how I finally did it-

  • In an instant I deactivated my Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Amazon prime, & Netflix coz giving it a second thought, your mind could have gone in reasoning, contemplating another sleepless night. So Just do it.
  • I removed apps’ shortcut, uninstalled apps both from Laptop & smartphone.
  • Deleted all games and shopping apps.
  • Turned off notifications of every app. I made a habit not to pick up my phone except designated time or if it’s really necessary.
  • Couldn’t delete Whatsapp as it was the only connecting link of many important family and friends and to limit that, I removed my DP and status, any read receipt, or last activity.
  • I would put my phone on Airplane, DND, Silent, or Vibration mode especially at night, also while reading or writing or meditating (means almost all time).

“Phone is for my convenience, not for others”

  • Many were informed casually not to contact for the time being until its extremely urgent like if someone is dying and only I can cure that person.
  • Used an “alarm clock” instead of my phone to prevent me from using it the first thing in the morning.
  • In total my phone usage reduced to around 1hour max a day in which I utilized to talk/chat with my family and friends and some random internet surfing.
  • Used night mode to avoid blue light.
  • No fancy colorful apps in the background of my phone to make it less enticing to touch it. Even my wallpaper was-
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Lay down some ground rules for yourself, go for intermittent fasting or a day off in a week, or a limited time frame to use your phone or laptop if work is not a priority.

I would highly recommend to go with this experiment and realize how things will turn out. If you are planning to do this, do it immediately without letting your evil wicked mind trick you to stop and continue spoiling your time and you.

For now, It’s going to be around 2 months continuously like this and I am not planning to go back to that crazy buZZZZyy life again in near future except few minor changes.

How it updated me to my “Better New Version”: That was an eye-opener for me and trust me it was the best decision. I know continuous communication is very important and in today’s world these apps are like a cherry on top but if used judiciously.

Getting rid of distractions will improve your focus and sleep, and it’ll free up more time than you’d imagined. I inculcated following transitions and continuing-

  • I am more focused and meticulous due to less distraction of continuous pings or habit of checking the phone. It's like a brain exercise to train and tame your brain which encompasses self-discipline and grit.
  • My mind is not clustered with outwardly redundant information and thoughts, means less stress, and anxiety = improved sleep, fewer mistakes, better mental & physical health. Also, I keep my house neat & clean which oozes all positive energy. Chuckles!!
  • I observed better sight and less slight headaches by over usage of my phone or devices.
  • Introduced more mindful activities like doubled my Meditation practice (twice a day), Yoga, Reciting positive affirmations, better observation. Mental clarity as I have enough time to work on myself, Mediation, Silent practice, and Journaling are really helpful practices.
  • “Time spent learning is not wasted”. I brushed up and learned new things regarding my work and life like a new language (Hola, Como Estas?), embroidery, painting, new ways of journaling/notebook, calligraphy, hand lettering, new culinary skills, dancing, singing, recording my speeches (for me only), more and more brain-enhancing practices like solving puzzles, Sudoku, memory mastery games, finished many books long pending in my TBR list. I realized I have more free time than I ever thought.
  • I spend most of my time listening to inspirational audios, attending various Webinars, learning about different philosophies and cultures, and good Music. My social media are YouTube (only with educational/inspirational/personality development videos), podcasts, Audible, Books/Kindle.
  • Maintaining Events, Goals, and Habit Tracker (though Facebook was a big help in remembering Birthdays & Anniversaries). Every important thing is on the calendar in one place. Focused and stable approach.
  • Most importantly, I started writing more, not only in my journal or on some random diaries or piece of paper but through keyboard too. Finished Mind mapping for three of the five concepts for my books (God give me strength, patience, wisdom and more time to complete them-Fingers crossed)

With all these, I am more positive, calm, resilient, learned, creative, healthy, pretty, and a HAPPY Soul. And Yes, I am in love with me all over again.

I am full of Gratitude

From being Nomophobia to free like a bird I am very poised to follow this modus operandi-either long or intermittent fasting-Digital Detox.

Digital Detox may sound a little scary or lunatic at one point, but it’s a truly aspiring.

“If you never try, you’ll never know”


Priya Singh - Really a nice post Thanks for sharing! Much needed therapy during this COVID times.

Snigdha Maheshwari

Seasoned HR Professional with experience in both corporate & consulting | People & Culture| Because people matter |

4 年

Digital Detox- we all badly need this! Priya Singh thanks for sharing!


