Perfect content isn’t about you, your brand, or your objectives. It’s about delivering the right information to your prospects at exactly the right point in the customer journey. Have you heard of the saying ‘being at the right place at the right time’? What is perfect content if it doesn’t get to be seen by the right people and at the right time? What is a perfect content if it doesn’t serve its purpose? No matter how great your brand is it only perfect if it attracts the right people and the right prospect.

Now in order to get your content seen by the right people, here are the stages of perfect content marketing, and also why the stages are important and relevant. But first of all, what exactly is content marketing???

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This is a type of marketing that involves the creation and sharing of online materials, such as videos, blogs, and social media posts. That does not explicitly promote a brand, but it’s intended to stimulate interest in its products or services. For example, recently, I needed to change my phone. So I watched a couple of reviews and videos on YouTube about the latest in the category of phone I wanted.?I noticed that the videos were not exactly promoting a particular product or a particular brand, instead, they made me interested in some products. What I am trying to explain is that content marketing is not exactly advertising. It mostly just let you know that such a product or service exists in case you’re interested,?it’s not all in your face like with advertising, content marketing sort?attracts people that are interested in your business.


Three stages a prospect goes through on the way to becoming a customer. The first stage is awareness, then evaluation and then Conversion.

  • In the awareness stage, the prospect must first become aware that there is a problem and that you or your organization have a solution for it, people have to know that you exist before they can be interested in whatever you have to offer.
  • In the evaluation stage, those who move through the awareness stage must now evaluate the various choices available to them, including your competition solutions, and of course, taking no action at all to solve that problem. People already know you exist, they now get to kind of evaluate you and look for reasons why they should go with you and not your competitor. Why should it be you? Why should it be this product? Why should it be your service?
  • ?Next is the third stage which is the Conversion stage. ?Those that move through the evaluation stage are now at the moment of truth, the purchase stage, the prospect gets to make a choice between you or the other person.

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