Digital Competency Management: 6 Benefit for Nurse Educators

Digital Competency Management: 6 Benefit for Nurse Educators

Paper-based competency management is a drain on healthcare organizational resources. Papers get lost. Plan updates are taxing. Staff members, who are already overworked, are taking paperwork home with them to make updates – adding to their already lengthy workdays. The enormous burdens already experienced by overworked care teams are made even worse by the waste of priceless resources - time, money, and talent.

Modern healthcare organizations are pursuing digital transformations, the timing of which is quite advantageous to those who provide direct patient care. While technology has a great deal of potential to increase operational effectiveness, which will enhance staff satisfaction and retention, heavily manual processes must be prioritized.

Digitizing Competency Plans Should Not Be Overlooked?

Antiquated processes and systems can be seen as a way of doing business, but in a digital age, it’s critical for healthcare executives to recognize where resource waste occurs. Managing orientation packets, skills check-offs, and annual mandates, for instance, are currently paper-based, draining Organization resources such as paper, binders, storage space, and, most importantly, staff time. Updates are laborious and create more waste.

As healthcare organizations evaluate their digital needs, one area to prioritize is competency management. Digitizing competency means record updates can be made instantly at the point of care – making data readily available. With a few clicks, reports can be run instantly for departments or regulatory agencies.

Benefits of Digital Competency Management Software

Although healthcare executives and leadership teams can also benefit from digitizing competencies, its the platform users who gain the most. Here are six benefits for nurse educators who switchfrom paper-based competency management to digital.?

1. Standardize onboarding with clearly defined roles and expectations?

An engaging and well-structured onboarding process increases job satisfaction. With a digital platform, everyone has visibility and understands what's expected of them. Eliminating ambiguity by defining the scope of practice leads to more effective training that is productive and efficient.?

2. Empower those onboarding to own their part of the process

Nurse educators and those onboarded can see the progress being made in real time and are aware of their responsibilities. As a result, nurse educators spend significantly less time managing and keeping track of progress.

3. More time for training and patients

No more chasing paper or binders. Eliminating the paper chase means more time spent on training, patients, and self-care.??

4. Real-time reports

Cloud-based, real-time data means that reports can be run with just a few clicks by anyone, at any time, whether reports are needed to monitor the onboarding process, monitor staff progress, or need to be provided to regulatory agencies.

5. More time for themselves

Many nurses are overworked and overwhelmed due to nursing shortages. Competencies can now be updated in real-time, eliminating the need to take paperwork home at the end of the day. Job satisfaction is increased by giving nurse educators a better work-life balance and more time for patient care and training.?

6. Better manage version control

When orientation packets, skills check-offs, and annual modalities are managed digitally, the frustrations associated with version control from paper-based competencies are eliminated.

Make Onboarding and Nurse Training Better with Digitized Competency Plans

Obtaining and retaining talent is essential in a time when there are more staff shortages, especially among nurses. When competency plans are digitalized, onboarding becomes significantly easier for everyone involved. Request a 15-minute meeting with Dossier to learn more about our cloud-based competency management software and how it can enhance your onboarding and training process.?


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