We woke up this year and said, “2021, this is going to be MY year!”. Coming through the other side of a pandemic that not one of us could have planned for, showed us the importance of and the power of the internet. Who used Zoom prior to March 2020? Who created or updated their Linkedin account or started a facebook group prior to March of 2020? Most people I speak to say, “Not Me!”. I’ve been putting in a ton of effort and time to build my brand on-line and with FEDD Nation, our voices become louder and stronger.
Here are 4 Reasons you need to pay attention to what’s happening on social media:
1. If you’re not part of the conversation, your competition probably is
2. By being active on the top platforms, you will become an industry thought leader
3. You are unique and your message matters
4. Your voices has the power to change, create and propel you and your business to new levels
The food equipment industry is changing fast. The old ways of doing things, will never open new doors. You’re probably asking, how can digital branding myself give me a voice and I’m going to give you a few prime examples. Keeping the 4 reasons above in mind, you have a business that you want to grow and a what we do on-line eventually moves offline. I started The Food Equipment Digital Disruptors on Facebook because I wanted to build community around my brand and all I was doing. That very move, in turn, attaches my company, Malachy Parts & Service to all I do. Without ever once selling my business, it came with the territory. It has now evolved into much more. With around 800 industry members in the community that share likeminded ideas, we have the opportunity to talk openly about issues, ask for help, find answers, see what others are doing and ultimately, create change. There’s so much buzz going on in the group around hot topics that are screaming to be heard. Digital branding has given me and the FEDD Nation community, a voice. Understand, people do NOT want to be sold to. They want real, human connections and through video, it becomes very real. People do business with people and the relationship you build digitally, will absolutely flow off-line at conferences, events, dinners, meetings etc. and what you will find is that all your consistent efforts through content distribution is now going to pay off. It takes time and it takes commitment. This should be part of your daily business strategy. End of story. You have time, it just needs to be a priority. Your voice has the power to inspire and change!
If you join the group, you will begin to see that people are excited to talk openly about issues or problems they have seen happening for decades. They want change. They want it now. We are putting on a Virtual Conference, The Food Equipment Service Leaders Summit and I urge everyone who reads this to register for free until Sunday 12am, then it goes away FOREVER! WAIT! You can still gain access by inviting ONE industry friend/peer/partner/colleague to the group on facebook:
I’ll close this article like this: Opportunities you never knew existed lie on the other side of your fear of getting behind the camera and sharing your business and experiences. The FEDD Group is your prime example. If I never started it, FEDD Corner would never exist and the people giving their time to be a part of it would not have their voice heard here. Community is king. See you all in the group!