Digital Analytics vocabulary and definitions for A
A/B Testing
A/B Testing tests at least two versions of the same webpage (version A and version B), to determine which one will be able to attract the highest visitor numbers and generate the most sales.
A visit that does not reach the next step. This can happen during a purchase process, during a sign-up process, or during the filling out of a questionnaire, for example.
Marketing acquisition or customer acquisition aims to attract new visitors to its digital ecosystem, website, landing pages or social networks. Acquisition campaigns promote a product and services to a new audience and use different channels to sponsor content: search engine optimisation (SEO), social network promotion, offline or online advertising…
In a funnel logic, an acquisition campaign is often combined with a retention strategy.
The Analytics Suite has many connectors with other marketing solutions for a better integration with your current tools.
Action click
Clicks which are specific to an AJAX-type object. An action click is a click that’s necessary in order for a user to carry out a certain action, or to obtain the information he or she is seeking.
Ad blocking / ad blockers
Ad blockers are tools designed to remove or hide content identified as advertising during browsing. These adblockers can exist in different forms:
Independent programs for browsers or operating systems
Plugins and browser extensions
Used by a large number of Internet users, these blockers prevent the display of many advertising formats: pages, videos, pop-ups, sticky bars, banners and banners.
Depending on the settings, ad blocking can also prevent or distort web analytics measurement. Various solutions exist in order to recover visibility on this part of your audience.
Ad exchange
An ad exchange is a technology platform that facilitates the buying and selling of media advertising inventory from multiple ad networks. Prices for the inventory are determined through bidding.
Ad Server
A software program which is used to manage online advertising. It is used to dynamically program the way in which advertisements are displayed on editorial pages. It is also used to provide information on campaign statistics which can be consulted at any time by all users.
Ad targeting
Also known as targeted advertising, this is an ad technique where ads are placed in specific areas of the screen to increase visibility and “clickability” or to push personalized ads based on the user’s past behaviors and preferences. Targeted ads are aimed at prospects and customers based on demographics, psychographics, behavior and other second-order activities that are learned usually through data exhaust produced by users themselves. Alternative methods are audience, contextual, interest-based, language, placement and psychographic targeting.
Ad Tracking
Ad Tracking monitors the performance of advertising campaigns on the Internet.
Advertising Technology is a range of software and tools that brands and agencies use to strategise, set up, and manage their digital advertising activities. The adtech ecosystem has two major entities – the advertiser (the demand-side) and the publisher (the supply-side).
A message that directs an Internet user to a commercial site.
Analyse, understand, decide
Analyse your web & mobile traffic. Understand user behavior. Boost your business by making quick and effective decisions.
Affiliation and links
Affiliated websites or networks, links (partnerships, exchanges). This measurement is taken starting from the moment when you have declared the appropriate campaigns.
Agile method
Agile methods are based on the Agile Manifesto (2001), which refers to groups of practices for managing and implementing projects.
Agile methods enable a company to be close, adaptable and responsive to their clients in all circumstances.
Now with the growing trend of digital, “Test & Learn” logic is often applied to marketing actions so that they may be rolled out or abandoned quickly.
Even if agile methods were born in the digital world, large and more “traditional” companies apply them as well.
AJAX, or Asynchronous JavaScript And XML, is an acronym which is used to refer to an open source programming solution for developing web applications and dynamic websites.
ALT tag
The ALT tag contains the alternative text for an image or a visual on a web page.
It is one of the fields that can be filled out in your HTML code, and enables you to add a description of the picture or video if it is not properly displayed on screen.
It is important to note that the ALT tag carries weight in terms of organic search engine rankings, as it enables search engines to identify the content that should be displayed. By optimising the ALT tags of the images on your site, search engines will understand that your image is relevant and logical in relation to the keywords used.
AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) is a mobile-friendly website page format for mobile devices. AMP pages are designed to accelerate page display on mobile platforms.
The principle of AMP is to lighten the pages by structuring the HTML in a common and predefined way.
The AMP project is led by Google and functions via a CDN (content delivery network). The project is open-source, which means anyone can access and contribute to the project.
Want to know more about the AMP project? Check out our blog post (in English): Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) Project: A quick recap
Analytics Suite
The Analytics Suite is AT Internet’s digital analytics solution featuring a set of fully integrated applications for the collection, measurement, analysis, visualisation and sharing of analytics data. The Analytics Suite is designed to help data users of all levels get easy access to the data they need in order to efficiently collaborate, draw immediate value from data, and make smarter business decisions.
Analyzer NX
Analyzer NX, the successor of Analyzer II, was released in April 2009. This version of AT Internet’s web analytics tool provided improved user experience as well as a more user-friendly interface with increasingly detailed dashboards. Analyzer NX was replaced by Analyzer III, which was subsequently replaced by the Analytics Suite.
Application Programming Interface. The API lets you “connect” and efficiently exchange data between two applications. With an API, you can develop a common language so that data from Application A can be transferred and understood by Application B, even if they both have been coded in different languages or are situated in two different places. Take, for example, the display of Google Maps mapping data on a web page. In this case, the API retrieves the map data in order to display it on the website.
ASO, also known as App Store Optimisation (ASO), corresponds to optimisation techniques enabling high ranking on different mobile app stores (iOS App Store, Google Play Store, BlackBerry World, etc.).
ASO techniques are based on:
The total number of app downloads or installs
The number of app downloads or installs during a time period
The optimisation of app store content (keywords, text, descriptions, etc.)
Others factors: comments, reviews, frequency of app usage, etc.
Active Server Pages (ASP) is a set of software that can be used to create dynamic sites.
AT Internet
Applied Technologies Internet. Created in 1996 by President and founder Alain Llorens, AT Internet is one of the pioneers of the French web. Two decades later, AT Internet is the only European company today among the world’s leaders in digital analytics and digital intelligence.
Attributed visit
The effectiveness of a campaign is not only measured based on a visitor’s first visit. The visitor’s information is saved and the effectiveness of the campaign is also measured for their next visits: if a visitor comes back to a site two weeks after having added it to their bookmarks, then it is possible to associate this visitor with the original campaign.
This notion of tracking a campaign over time is a major advantage when it comes to measuring the real efficiency of your investments, due to the fact that few visitors purchase anything during their first visit.
This term is used for storing in memory (by the use of a cookie), the fact that an Internet user has already visited a site from a campaign. AT Internet offers many different metrics in its analysis which are linked to attribution.
Attribution rate
Shows the share of attribution and is calculated using the ratio between the total of visits and the total number of attributed visits.
Attribution rate (prior attribution)
(metric) The prior attribution rate indicates the ratio of organic visits which follow from visits generated by campaigns. Amongst these organic visits, we can consider that a large part of them come from direct access, in other words from bookmarks.
This metric also lets marketers evaluate how good (or bad) a campaign is at obtaining Internet user interest. Comparing the prior attribution rate of several different advertising campaigns allows marketers to decide which campaign should be used based on its capacity to capt Internet user interest.
Similar definitions :
Attribution rate: Shows the share of attribution and is calculated using the ratio between the total of visits and the total number of attributed visits…
Attribution: This term is used for storing in memory (by the use of a cookie), the fact that an Internet user has already visited a site from a campaign.
Audience (Analytics)
The term audience refers to groups of people with an interest in your company or product. In the case of web analytics, the audience consists of all visitors to a website.
Average play duration
This value represents the sum of the measured duration of content divided by the number of playbacks for this particular content. The duration is expressed in seconds or in minutes.