Digital Marketer | Social Media Manager | WordPress Web Developer | SEO | Amazon Store Manager | eBay |
Digital marketing is the way of marketing, which is totally different from traditional way of marketing. In Digital Marketing we are able to reach maximum number of customer at cheap cost.
In Digital Marketing there are various types of works are available like SEO, SMO, Social media ads, Ad design, Video editing, Graphics designing etc. If you have good skills in these field, You may earn enough amount.
In this way of marketing we need some platform like industry needs space for plantation. and these space are:-
1. Facebook
2. Instagram
3. LinkedIn
and there are many more platforms available for this type of marketing.
With Facebook we can place our advertisement to many places like Facebook Instagram news feed, Facebook marketplace, Facebook Instagram stories etc.
LinkedIn is totally different way of marketing. here we can target our audience as professionals, we categories them as they are the employs of any organization. organization with 1000 employee, etc.
If you are going to do ad with google, then we must be focus on keyword. means what keyword is relevant with our content, for example if someone search on google Digital marketing course, our site will appears on top in ad section.
Overall we can say that, if there will be various way to advertise our business, at this cost and easily target our potential customer.
There are six steps in digital marketing.
1. Digital Presence
2. Targeted Traffic
3. Engagement
4. Conversions or sales/leads
5. Measurements/Analysis
6. Retargeting/Remarketing
1. Digital Presence - There must be a digital presence for this type of marketing, like we need market for running our business. so for digital presence we need Facebook profile, Instagram profile etc.
2. Targeted Traffic - we should must know about each and every thing about our customer. So that we can easily target our customer either by their behavior or activity.
3. Engagement - We must post quality content on regular basis to engage our audience as earning their reactions comments etc.
4. Conversions - After traffic and engagement conversion comes in place, as we can sale our products and can generate quality leads to grow business.
5. Measurement - In measurement we can measure our marketing objective where and how much engagement is taking place in what platform so we can invest less or high according to our engagement.
6. Retargeting - Once we have run the campaign, on the basis of such campaign we can retarget our audience on less investment as compare to previous campaign.