Digging Holes

Many of us carry an abundance of malice, envy and hatred in our hearts that inclines us to create uncomfortable situations for others. When we go out of our way to cause problems for others, we are intentionally digging holes. When we speak unkindly about others, we are digging holes. When we stir up confusion and discontentment, we are digging holes. If we are angry, frustrated, hurt or just simply unhappy with our own circumstances, we should pray for the ability to release those negative emotions and lift that heavy weight from our hearts. Some of us have chosen to be hateful and spiteful for no apparent or justifiable reasons, we do so, simply, because that's what we have decided to do. Despite the fact that someone may have mistreated us, hurt us, used us or abused us, vengeance is not ours. We are not responsible for anyone else's behavior or choices, we are only responsible for our own. We must understand that being vindictive, evil or intentionally malicious only paves the road for our own destination. Holes we dig for others will become the very ones we fall in. The poison we knowingly disperse will eventually become the same poison that contaminates and, ultimately, destroys us.(Psalm 7:15)


