Digging deep at McPhillamys
Australian Mining Review
The Australian Mining Review is a monthly feature-based publication providing news on issues affecting the industry.
Rocking the mining world recently is the saga surrounding Regis Resources Ltd McPhillamy’s gold mine in NSW with a heavy blow dealt to the future of the asset.
If you’re not up to date, here’s a condensed version of what’s happened so far.
In mid-August, Federal Environment and Water Minister Tanya Plibersek made a declaration to protect a significant Aboriginal heritage site from being destroyed to build a tailings dam at the mine.
She said her decision is not to stop the mine and that protecting cultural heritage and development are not mutually exclusive, however, Regis says this decision makes the mine non-viable.
Read a more in-depth analysis and exclusive interviews with Federal Shadow Indigenous Australians Minister and Northern Territory Senator Jacinta Price , Minerals Council of Australia chief executive Tania Constable and Chamber of Minerals and Energy of WA chief executive Rebecca Tomkinson in our October paper, out now.
Queensland Government approves 10 new projects to support Mount Isa jobs
Ahead of planned mine closes by resources giant Glencore Australia , the Queensland Government has approved 10 projects to support almost 500 local jobs in Mount Isa.
These projects are being funded via the $20m Mount Isa Transition Fund which includes $14.7m for program delivery costs associated with the projects and $5.3m for the Mount Isa City Council to implement projects identified through its own economic transition strategy.
Rio Tinto celebrates cultural stories with 19th Colours of our Country exhibition
Art enthusiasts from WA and beyond are invited to experience the stories and culture of Pilbara Aboriginal artists at Rio Tinto 's annual Colours of our Country exhibition.
Now in its 19th year, the exhibition will be held at the Central Park building in Perth, from Monday, September 16, to Friday, September 27, and will showcase a vibrant collection of 160 unique Aboriginal artworks from 43 artists.
Factory acceptance testing completed for vanadium flow battery
Australian Vanadium Limited has completed factory acceptance testing of a vanadium flow battery to be deployed at a Horizon Power site in Kununurra, WA.
The 220kWh vanadium flow battery, which can deliver up to 78kW of power, was purchased by Horizon Power for a long duration energy storage project.
UNSW Sydney to lead Australia and Germany green metals collaboration
Researchers from the University of New South Wales ( UNSW Sydney ) have released the first report exploring the feasibility of collaboration on hydrogen and green metals.
As part of the Australian Government ’s?Green Metals for Sustainable Steel from Australia and Germany?initiative, the Australian Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water and the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research are exploring the potential of creating a sustainable green iron and steel value chain between the two countries.
Mining and resources sector on notice, 27,000 jobs on the line over five years
The AREEA - Australian Resources & Energy Employer Association has identified 107 new projects, worth about $131b and creating almost 27,000 jobs over the next five years.
WA alone?accounts for 48 new projects, or 44% of the investment pipeline, requiring at least 11,000 new workers by the end of 2029.
Whitehaven Coal and Viva Energy donate $30,000 for Walhallow infrastructure
Whitehaven Coal has partnered with Viva Energy Australia to contribute to the Walhallow community infrastructure project, continuing the company’s commitment to supporting local communities and empowering Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander groups.
Whitehaven donated $20,000, and Viva Energy added a further $10,000, boosting the efforts of the Walhallow Local Aboriginal Land Council to upgrade critical infrastructure within the community.
How long does it take to build a nuclear reactor in Australia?
China recently approved the build of 11 new nuclear reactors and, with the East Asian country having the fastest growing nuclear energy program in the world, we find out where Australia stands in the transition to reliable renewable energy and how long it might take to build a reactor here.
CSIRO ’s?GenCost 2023-24?report estimates a development timeline of at least 15 years for a nuclear reactor in Australia, including construction.
Read more Mining Stories That Matter
Read the October edition here
Read these exclusive features in our October paper
A new vein: AI in the mining industry
Contributed by mining optimisation and automation subject matter expert Jason Nitz, MMinEng
A venture capital firm recently asked me to provide expert advice on an investment plan for mining technology.
They’d chosen several areas where mining technology had recently improved a process or system and completed a market analysis on the leading companies within those areas.
Ramelius Resources celebrates golden year
The 2024 financial year was big for Ramelius Resources Limited , with the company posting record annual gold production across its operations and beginning mining at its newly acquired Cue project in WA.
Leading Australian mid-tier gold miner and ASX300-listed company Ramelius operates two processing hubs in WA, Mt Magnet in the Murchison region and Edna May near the town of Westonia in the Wheatbelt.
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