Dig A Little Deeper
Yet another cold and windy day arrived, but at least the sun was out and the temps did rise a bit higher than they were yesterday. From the sounds of it, we're supposed to be getting well above freezing this weekend, so possibly I'll be able to get a few more outdoor chores completed.
For whatever reason, I had this burning urge to go and check on those vacant houses I have listed, so after getting settled-in at office, I headed out and started checking them one by one. Well, the first one was fine, but when I arrived at the second, I immediately knew there was a furnace problem as soon I walked in, and when checking the thermostat, there was an indoor reading of 38 degrees, so I quickly placed a call to the seller, who in turn called the furnace company they normally use, so by the time the hour of one rolled around, the furnace was up and running again. Wow! Now that was a close call. The remainder of the vacant homes I inspected were all fine, but as we all know, it only takes one to create a crisis.
There's a closing coming up the end of this week, so I busied myself with getting all the docs and numbers emailed over to the buyer's bank. There were back and forth emails from the lender's assistant on and off today, but as of now, I'm pretty confident it'll close on time, and I'll definitely be glad for it because that's another house that's been standing empty.
I did have a nice chat with the furnace technician, and since I'd not used his company in the past, I asked if he was taking on new customers, and his response was an “Of Course.”, while handing me several business card which I later filed in my little box of contacts. Since he does little or no advertising, I'd assumed he was no longer in business because that's the same company his father started some years ago. In the future, I'll have to share the photo I took of the most disgusting furnace filter he pulled out from the bottom of that furnace. What's going on with our general public not changing their furnace filters on a regular basis? I was teasing him when saying, “That matted mess looks like it has a hundred million dead skin cells attached to it.”
After getting the rest of my errands run today, I headed back to office and began working on the pile of bills that were needing to get paid which I figured would take up the remainder of my afternoon, which in the end it did, because I had several long phone calls that came in, along with a drop-in who's always willing to fill me in on what's been happening in our community. Without a doubt, that guy's got more connections than you can shake a stick at, and what I've found to be most surprising, is the later confirmed validity of what he shares with me. What I like about him the most, is how similar his thoughts are regarding people we've both crossed paths with. I'm sure the ears of the guy who has that 'cock o' the walk' gait, were burning pretty badly this afternoon. Oh, if the general public only knew the rest of the story.
When skimming thru the news today, I happened upon another article that was talking about the rising number of those who're now embracing the pre-Christian beliefs of Rodnovery, which had variations of it in Eastern Europe and Russia. Some day I'll have to dig a little deeper into their beliefs because on the surface, they seem to be more akin to the Druids and pre-Christian Celts. They definitely have some interesting symbols they use, along with their carvings and paintings. If we'd all step back far enough from our cloistered lives, we'd come to realize that difference is beautiful.
Tonight's One-liner is: Difficulties strengthen the mind, as labor does the body.
original post ... https://niowarealty.net/life/2024/12/03/dig-a-little-deeper/