Dig Deeper into Data to Create Reliable Digital Services with Data Storytelling

Dig Deeper into Data to Create Reliable Digital Services with Data Storytelling

As digital business owners, we know that there are many entities involved in developing and managing digital service infrastructure. There are 5 layers of digital service infrastructure as follows :

1) Digital Business Services - Application Layer

CRM, supply chain management, data mining, and content management systems.

2) System Software Layer

Web browser and server software and standards, networking software, and database management systems.

3) Transport and Network Layer

Physical network and transport standards (TCP/IP).

4) Storage / Physical Layer

Permanent magnetic storage on web servers or optical backup or temporary storage in memory (RAM).

5) Content and Data Layer

Web content for intranet, extranet, and internet sites, customer's data, transaction data, and clickstream data.

To keep services reliable, we should be able to monitor each layer of the digital service infrastructure. There are several software/applications that can be used to monitor digital service infrastructure end-to-end, one of them is Netmonk. Netmonk can monitor network devices, servers, and websites / APIs. Through Netmonk, we will be given a dashboard containing many graphs and metrics to determine the performance of digital service infrastructure.

However, monitoring alone is not enough, we must analyze and understand the meaning of the graphs in-depth and understand the connections between the data/graphs presented through data storytelling. Through data storytelling, we will be able to explain and determine the right actions that must be taken to keep our services reliable and stable.

What is Data Storytelling?

Data storytelling is the concept of building a compelling narrative based on complex data and analytics that helps tell your story and influence and inform a particular audience. Data storytelling can help turn data insights into action. Without effective communication, insights can go unnoticed or unremembered by your audience; Both hard and soft skills are crucial for leveraging data to its fullest potential.

Data Storytelling Framework

There are 5 stages in data storytelling, including the following:

1) Audience

To create an impactful data story, it's vital to understand your audience. Who are they? Analyze their requirements, preferences, and expertise to ensure that your message connects with them on a deeper level. Understanding your audience empowers you to create a data story that addresses their concerns, goals, and priorities. The person who maintains infrastructure reliability is an IT infrastructure engineer, for example, we can make him an audience

2) Context

To help your audience understand the significance of the data you're presenting, it's important to provide context. This means explaining the background and relevant factors surrounding the insights you're sharing. By doing so, your audience can make connections, grasp the implications of the data, and see the bigger picture. Contextual information is essential to ensure that your insights are properly understood.

3) Tale (Narrative)

The heart of your data story lies here. This is where you express the insights gained from the data and the context surrounding it, along with your recommended actions. It combines the insights derived from the data, the context surrounding them, and the actions or recommendations you wish to convey. An engrossing storyline emotionally captivates your audience, takes them on a journey, and leaves a memorable impact.

4) Envision (Visualization)

One effective way to convey your data is through visualization. By incorporating charts, graphs, and other visuals, you can make complex information more comprehensive and memorable. This enhances your audience's ability to quickly absorb information, identify patterns and trends, and gain deeper insights from the data. Ultimately, visualization is critical to creating a lasting impact and ensuring that your story is effectively communicated.

5) Delivery

In the final stage of sharing your data story, Delivery, the emphasis is on presenting it in an interesting and easy-to-understand manner. The aim is to motivate your audience to take action based on the insights you've given them. The way you present your data story is crucial. You can engage your audience by using captivating storytelling techniques, communicating clearly and concisely, and customizing your delivery to their preferred format. The way you communicate your story data can impact how it's perceived, comprehended, and acted upon by your audience.

The Benefits of Data Storytelling

Through data storytelling, complicated information is simplified so that your audience can engage with your content and make critical decisions quicker and more confident. Constructing a data story that moves a person to take action can be a very powerful tool. Effective data storytelling can have a positive impact on people and your organization. Some benefits of successful data storytelling include:

  • Adding value to your data and insights.
  • Interpreting complex information and highlighting essential key points for the audience.
  • Providing a human touch to your data.
  • Offering value to your audience and industry.
  • Building credibility as an industry and topic thought leader.







Author: Arief Faizin



