Diffuse the Bomb!

Diffuse the Bomb!

Workforce, Team, and Organizational

Issues, Challenges, and Solutions

Organizations grow and attempt to adapt to the ever-changing environment with the pursuit of, at least, maintaining but, better yet, increasing their revenue, which increases their profits/loss margins. With the change efforts, organizations have challenges with the workforce, the sub-sized organizations (aka teams), and the holistic organization.

Workforce Challenges: Some of the issues and challenges center on personality conflicts between fellow employees attempt to take advantage of the situation at the detriment to other employees as well as with their supervisors in which the workforce has lost confidence and trust. Changes in any of the organizational structure

     Solutions: Organizational leaders need to understand the environment through assessments. This understanding includes information on the cognitions, behaviors, and emotions as well as identify the people reinforcing the cause of the problem.

If there are no immediately identifiable cause of the issues, it is possible the assessment instrument is not sensitive enough. In this case, until the instrument can be improved or the pain created from the issue rises to a level in which the current instrument can identify it, effective communications management can assist is alleviating the issues. Effective and efficient communications is a key element in all successful endeavors. It also is one component in influencing organizational culture to evolve toward the desired future state.

Sub-sized organizations (aka teams) Challenges: Some of the issues and challenges at the team level center on not having a common purpose focused on mission and goal achievement. The team members lack clarity of their role and responsibility. The team does not have effective leadership resulting in trust issues as well as poor team relationships and ineffective, broken-down communications. The team is non-functional with no cohesiveness.

Utilizing the Tuckman model of team development, the team will under a sequential process whose steps are Forming, Storming, Norming, and Performing. The team may undergo Adjourning if the team’s existence is temporary. The organizational leaders need to understand the team may fall prey to Dorming, which is characterized by complacency and resistance to change.

     Solutions: Organizational leaders must diagnose the team and instantiate corrective interventions to solidify the team and increase its performance. Organizational team leaders must:

               Think about the team first: Every individual should think of the team first and the personal interests should take a backseat. Do not mix one’s personal issues with one’s professional life.

               Never underestimate the team members: Do not neglect any of the members, instead work together and listen to them as well. Never try to impose ideas on any member. Avoid demotivating any team member.

               Discuss: Before implementing any new idea, it must be discussed with each and every member on an open platform. Never discuss with anyone separately as the other team members feel left out and reluctant to perform and contribute to the team.

               Understand others: For better teamwork, try to understand the team members well. Do not just always talk business, the team members can go out for lunch or catch a movie together. It improves the relations and strengthens the bond among the team members. Team members must trust each other for maximum output.

               Promote transparency: Transparency must be maintained and healthy interaction must be promoted among the team members. The communication must be effective, clear and precise so that every team member gets a common picture. Effective communication also nullifies misunderstandings and confusions.

               Avoid criticism: Stay away from criticism and making fun of the team members. Help each other and be a good team player. Be the first one to break the ice and always create a friendly ambience. Avoid negativity within the team.

               Avoid conflicts in the team: Do not fight over petty issues and find faults in others. One should be a little adjusting with each other and try to find an alternative best suited to all the team members.

               Rewards and recognition: Performance of every team member must be evaluated timely and the best performer should be rewarded suitably so the other members also get motivated to perform. Appreciate the member who performs the best or does something unique.

               Holistic organizational Challenges: As the saying goes, one bad apple can spoil the whole apple barrel. There is truth in this statement. Problematic individuals and teams can multiply their maladaptive cognitions, behaviors, and emotions throughout the holistic organization like cancer in a body. The issues and challenges at the holistic organization level are similar to the ones affecting individuals and teams but at a greater span of affect. The organization splinters and infighting occurs, both overtly and covertly along with actively and passively.

     Solutions: Holistic organizational issues and challenges, for the organization to survive, must be dealt with as soon as symptoms emerge. The situation at hand must be diagnosed and appropriate interventions implemented effectively and efficiently to prevent the cancer from negatively affecting the organizational culture. The diagnosis occurs through appropriately sensitive and overarching assessments to validly determine what is inhibiting the organizations performance. The interventions designed at this level materializes as dynamic, multi-faceted, and implemented as corrective actions with both breadth and depth.

Conclusion: There are many roads leading to individual, Sub-sized organizations (aka teams), and holistic organizational issues and challenges. Likewise, there are many paths leading back to high performance. Overall, problem resolution and mitigation needs to occur upon awareness the issues and challenges exist. Procrastination does not help the situation. Decisive action is necessary. Diagnosis conducted, root cause analysis performed, interventions developed and implemented, and feedback mechanisms instantiated to determine if and when the situation has been resolved must be initiated. Ideally, prevention of all individual, Sub-sized organizations (aka teams), and holistic organizational issues and challenges is the best intervention. It is far better to keep the issues and challenges all together from every materializing and coming into existence. As the saying goes, prevention is worth so much more than the cost of an ounce of cure.

Dr. Simmie A. Adams PhD in Industrial/Organizational Psychology

Activities: Senior Organizational Effectiveness/Change Management Lead Consultant; Industrial/Organizational Psychologist; Life Coach

Certifications: Project Management Professional; Six Sigma Yellow Belt,

Communications: LinkedIn and Twitter


Simmie A. Adams, Ph.D., SCM,PMP,PCC,CSSGB,Prosci,OARs,Pilot的更多文章

