Difficult Conversations
Paul Nogueira
Small Business Restructuring Practitioner, Liquidator & Bankruptcy Trustee
Insolvency is a difficult and sensitive topic for many clients, and discussing this issue with their accountant can be a challenging experience.
As an accountant, you play a critical role in helping your clients identify and navigate these financial difficulties and finding the best solution for their unique situation.
Having a difficult conversation about insolvency requires empathy, understanding, and a compassionate approach and I thought I would share some tips on how to deal with these types of situations.
Your clients are likely feeling overwhelmed and uncertain about their financial future, and they need your guidance and support.
Preparing for these conversations is the key to assistance to the client:
1.????????????????Be empathetic: Show empathy for the client's situation and offer support.
2.????????????????Be straightforward: Be honest and clear about the client's financial situation and the options available.
3.????????????????Offer solutions: Discuss insolvency options such as small business restructuring, liquidation and the pros and cons of each option.
4.????????????????Be prepared: Be knowledgeable about insolvency procedures and laws, and have the relevant information and resources on hand.
5.????????????????Be patient: Insolvency can be a complicated and emotional process, so be patient and take the time to explain things clearly.
As accountants we aren’t necessarily trained to have these difficult conversations or have the necessary insolvency knowledge to answer all the questions and this is where Worrells can help in the process.
We are here to support you having difficult conversations with clients about insolvency and providing a positive outcome.
We help in four main areas.
1.?????????????Expert Insolvency Advice: Worrells has a team of experienced insolvency practitioners who can provide expert advice on insolvency and financial difficulties. This can help you have a more informed and confident conversation with clients.
2.?????????????Neutral Third Party: We can act as a neutral third party in the conversation, providing an unbiased perspective on the client's financial situation. This can help to build trust with the client and provide a safe space for the difficult conversation to take place. All our conversations are confidential.
3.?????????????Tailored Solutions: Worrells can provide tailored solutions to meet the specific needs of each client, helping to ensure that the conversation is focused on finding the best possible outcome for the client.
4.?????????????Support: Having a difficult conversation about insolvency can be emotionally challenging for clients and also yourself. We are here to provides support to you and your clients, helping them to navigate the process with confidence and understanding.
By working with us you can have a more informed, confident, and effective conversation with clients about insolvency, helping to find solutions and minimize the impact on the client's financial situation.
Sometimes it hard to tell if your client is having financial difficulties – so here are some key items to add to your checklist for analysing your client’s position.
1.?????????????Review Financial Statements: Start by reviewing the client's financial statements, including their balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement. Look for any red flags such as consistently declining revenue, high debt levels, or significant negative cash flows, accruing ATO debts.
2.?????????????Evaluate Payment Habits: Examine the client's payment habits, including their ability to make timely payments to suppliers, employees, and lenders. Late payments or a pattern of defaulting on loans can indicate solvency problems.
3.?????????????Assess Liquidity: Assess the client's liquidity, or their ability to meet their short-term obligations. This can be done by evaluating the client's current ratio, which measures the ability to pay off short-term debts using current assets.
4.?????????????Analyze Market Conditions: Consider the client's operating environment and the current market conditions. A downturn in the market or a shift in consumer behaviour can impact the client's financial situation and increase the risk of solvency problems.
It is importance to discuss these concerns with your client before jumping straight into the insolvency conversation so you can understand their perspective on their financial situation. Collaborating with the client can provide valuable insight into the root causes of solvency problems and help you identify potential solutions and start the difficult conversation.
Also your continual assessment of your client’s financial needs can help identify solvency problems early on and work together to find solutions that minimize the impact on the client's financial situation.
Early identification of solvency problems can potentially save a business and help prevent it from facing financial difficulties in the future. By reviewing financial statements and payment habits, assessing liquidity, and analyzing market conditions, you can identify potential issues early on and take steps to resolve them.
This not only benefits the client, but also helps to protect your professional reputation as an accountant. It also allows for greater insolvency options, which can increase the chances of a positive outcome and help the business get back on a path towards financial stability.
We are here to help and only one phone call away from provide you and your client with the assistance required.