Difficult conversations made easy: Follow these 3 easy steps
Too often, we delay having difficult conversations – at work or at home – because we fear opening “that can of worms”. “We dare not prod the monster,” we think to ourselves. However, repressed and unspoken feelings often give way to dis-ease and we begin to act out.
You will feel it in your impatience. Or you may notice that you become irritated a lot faster than before. How about your ability to listen? When under this kind of duress, your listening skills fall to zero and everything soon becomes a fight – escalating rapidly out of control. The result? A feeling of overwhelm. A sense of depression. Loss of hope. Loss of control. Despair.
This is a cycle.
Let’s call it the “cycle of crazies”.
Continue reading and learn the 3 easy steps. It is an A-R-T.
?Meet our CEO Confidante & Lead Coach
Gerald is passionate about walking with his Clients – and has excelled at creating a safe space in which senior executives can grow. Contact him if you would like structured support as you journey through life. Professional career & personal development, is just a click away.
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