Different Ways to Market Yourself Using Video and Email with Eric Hyde and Katie Moton
Scott Carson
Investor, Entrepreneur, Marketer and Podcast Host. I have a passion for helping people to grow their investments and influence.
Everybody out there is good at something and they know something that they can share to the world through their network of people. That should be an easy one, but another thought is what you do not know. Think about something that you don’t know, then do the research and learn how to do them. Eric Hyde and Katie Moton talk about different ways you can market yourself. Eric proves his point about how simple making a video is and he discusses the nuts and bolts about how to make a stunning, fun, and outgoing video. Katie, on the other hand, teaches about to make your email look professional and visually appropriate.
Listen to the full podcast here: https://weclosenotes.com/ep-290-different-ways-to-market-yourself-using-video-and-email-with-eric-hyde-and-katie-moton/