Different Ways of Creating a DataFrame in Spark

Different Ways of Creating a DataFrame in Spark

Apache Spark is a powerful open-source processing engine built around speed, ease of use, and sophisticated analytics. One of its core data structures is DataFrame, a distributed collection of data organized into named columns. Here are different ways to create a DataFrame in Spark:

Using spark.read

We can create a DataFrame from a data source file like CSV, JSON, or Parquet. Here's an example using CSV:

df?=?spark.read .format("csv").option("header","true").load(filePath)

Using spark.sql

We can create a DataFrame as a result of a Spark SQL query:


Using spark.table

We can create a DataFrame from a table in Spark's catalog:


Using spark.range

You can create a DataFrame with a single long column named id, containing elements in a range:


Creating DataFrame from Local List

We can create a DataFrame from a local list:


Creating DataFrame with Explicit Schema

We can create a DataFrame with an explicit schema:







Creating DataFrame from RDD

We can create a DataFrame from an RDD (Resilient Distributed Dataset), another fundamental data structure in Spark:



In conclusion, Spark provides various ways to create DataFrames to suit different needs, making it a versatile tool for big data processing and analytics.

#ApacheSpark #DistributedProcessing #DataFrame #BigDataAnalytics #DataEngineering #DataProcessing

T. Scott Clendaniel

96K | Director/ Artificial Intelligence, Data & Analytics @ Gartner / Top Voice

8 个月

I am all for making data frames in Spark easier, Sachin D N ????, so I appreciate the tips! ??????????

  • 该图片无替代文字

Impressive insights on Spark DataFrames, Sachin! It's always great to see comprehensive guides that simplify complex data processing tasks.


