The Different Views of What is a "Hollywood" Movie

The Different Views of What is a "Hollywood" Movie

What exactly is a “Hollywood” movie?? And why does it matter in getting it right?

Merriam Webster defines “Hollywood” as “of or characteristic of people in the American movie industry,” for example, the Hollywood lifestyle, or “characteristic of a Hollywood film,” for example, a story with a Hollywood happy ending.

Some define a “Hollywood” movie as any big-budget American movie.

Another definition is that a “Hollywood” movie is “a movie produced by an American film studio by definition is a Hollywood film,” because in the early days it meant that the films were literally made in the suburb of Hollywood, so, some use the term Hollywood as shorthand for the entire US film industry.

More recently, a “Hollywood” movie is one that conveys sexual messaging, immoral content, and anti-American values. Some communities reject the notion of becoming “Hollywood 2.0,” mainly because “Hollywood” is considered a negative connotation.

You can select one of these definitions of a “Hollywood” movie, or you can propose your own. However, I believe it is important to separate the two words, that is, a movie does not have to be a “Hollywood” movie.

By separating the two words, you also separate the two concepts. In which case, the Oxford Dictionary describes a “movie” as “a story or event recorded by a camera as a set of moving images and shown in a theater or on television; a motion picture.” This definition allows a “movie” to be from anywhere that a camera records and then the moving images are shown in a theater, television, or motion picture. This makes sense.

This then leaves “Hollywood” as being a place, in which case, it is what is characteristic of the place that defines “Hollywood.” Hollywood was originally a ranch established in 1886, which became a farming village in 1903. Just seven years later, barns began to be converted into movie studios, and the rest is history.

?The False Logic

The perception of "Hollywood" as a place is often conflated with the meaning of a "movie." This leads to the misconception that anything associated with "Hollywood," including movies, is one and the same. However, this conclusion is not accurate. Why do so many people use this flawed logic to describe the entire movie industry?

Typically, this logic is used to bypass one illogical point to arrive at a desired false conclusion. For example, cats and lions are both part of the Felidae family of carnivorous mammals and are distant relatives. Therefore, having a cat in your house is as dangerous as having a lion in your house. Clearly, a cat is not dangerous to have in your house (unless you’re a mouse). But the point is that a cat and a lion are both part of the same family and are carnivorous, which should lead to both being considered dangerous.

Similarly, considering all movies as "Hollywood" movies because they are made in Hollywood or anywhere else is equally illogical.

??The Consequences

This illogical conclusion leads to interesting consequences.? Among which are,

·???????? Any movie is a “Hollywood” movie, therefore, what is good or bad about “Hollywood” is also good or bad about any movie.?? You hear this argument when someone condemns movies for representing the immorality of Hollywood, and therefore, a local film studio will spread the immorality of Hollywood.?

?·???????? Although the film industry is an industry much like other major industries, it should not be treated the same.? This line of logic is heard when a film studio is described as not being a contributor to local economic development.? This ignores the large number of industries which normally are referred to as being part of economic development but generate far less an economic or cultural impact on a local community.? For example, car washes, data centers, manufacturing, or agriculture.?

?·???????? The argument that a local film studio does not create a significant economic impact is based upon analysis conducted by either nonaccountants (I saw one article recently stating that the proposed Nevada film incentives would net 15 cents in ROI.? It was written by a marketing expert), or accounting people not familiar with “Hollywood” or “Creative” accounting or not including all the critical elements that comprise the entirety of a film production’s impact.? Most industries have their own method of accounting, as does the film industry.

?Hollywood, or Creative, accounting gets its name from its prevalence in the entertainment industry—that is, in the movie studios of Hollywood?at a time when most studios were located in Hollywood. Those affected can include writers and actors, but also production companies, producers and investors.?A few cases of creative accounting have been successfully pursued in court and have resulted in hundreds of millions of dollars in awarded damages.? I am not an accountant (I got a “C” in my post graduate accounting course), but I experienced creative accounting while working with a couple of entertainment companies.? However, I’ve yet to see an article critical of the film industry’s economic impact that was written by someone with sufficient experience in creative accounting, as practiced in the film industry.?

What I have seen are numerous reports of the extent to which the film industry positively impacts a local community’s economy and are reports developed by people who are highly knowledgeable of the film industry’s dynamics.?

?The Critical Elements Driving a Local Film Studio’s Economic Impact

?The economic impact of a film studio is typically measured by?analyzing the direct spending on production within a region, including salaries for local crew members, spending on local businesses like hotels and restaurants, as well as the indirect economic benefits like increased tourism due to the film's popularity, all while considering factors like box office revenue, merchandise sales, and the multiplier effect of that spending circulating through the local economy;?this is usually done through detailed economic impact studies that consider both direct and induced economic impacts.?

Key aspects considered when calculating a film studio's economic impact:

·???????? Direct spending:

·???????? Production costs like salaries for cast and crew, equipment rentals, set construction, catering, and transportation.?

·???????? Local spending by production personnel on accommodation, food, and other goods and services.?


·???????? Indirect economic impacts:

·???????? Job creation in related sectors like construction, transportation, and hospitality.?

·???????? Increased business for local vendors and retailers.?

·???????? Potential for tourism boost due to filming locations becoming attractions.?


·???????? Box office revenue:

·???????? Ticket sales from domestic and international markets.?

·???????? Consideration of factors like opening weekend performance and critical reception.?


·???????? Ancillary revenue:

·???????? Merchandise sales like toys, clothing, and video games based on the film.?

·???????? Revenue from streaming services and DVD sales.?


Methods used to calculate economic impact:

·???????? Input-output analysis:

This method uses economic models to track how spending in one sector ripples through the economy, affecting other industries.?

·???????? Multiplier analysis:

This calculates how much additional economic activity is generated for each dollar spent on a film production in a region.?

·???????? Film commission data:

Many regions have film commissions that collect data on production spending and employment generated by film projects.?


Productions can also contribute to the cultural enrichment of the local community, putting lesser-known regions on the map, showcasing their unique landscapes, culture, and heritage to a global audience. This exposure can lead to increased cultural pride and a stronger sense of identity among local residents.

I have yet to see a critical report on the economic impact of the film industry on the local economy that demonstrates it effectively covered all these critical points.


In conclusion, the distinction between "Hollywood" and "movie" is crucial for understanding the broader implications of the film industry. By separating these terms, we can appreciate that not all movies are "Hollywood" movies, and not all aspects of Hollywood define the global film industry. This separation allows for a more nuanced view of the economic and cultural impacts of local film studios.

Local film studios can significantly contribute to economic development by creating jobs, boosting local businesses, and attracting tourism. They also provide opportunities for creative individuals to pursue their passions and contribute to society. Moreover, local studios can produce films that reflect their unique values and perspectives, avoiding the negative connotations often associated with Hollywood.

Therefore, it is essential to recognize the value of local film studios and support their growth. By doing so, we can foster a diverse and vibrant film industry that benefits both local communities and the global audience.



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