Different types of Yoga
Yoga has many different connotations to different people. The end result may also differ to some extent or may be felt as different result though if you go in depth it may still be the same outcome !! Some say it is joining together of “Atma” &”Paramatma” or “Jiva” &”Shiva” etc . Also the end result is bliss – total ,eternal ,supreme happiness!!
Generally Yoga is mostly connected with performing “Asanas”, but if we see above explanation on Yoga and if we wish to reach end result there are ways to attain the same and what are the ways??
Different types of YOGA:
1. Prem Yoga
2. Bhakti Yoga
3. Sankhya Yoga
4. Karma Yoga
5. Hatha Yoga
6. Mantra Yoga
7. Kundlini Yoga
8. Raj Yoga
All above 8 types of Yoga ultimately lead to “PURE BLISS” !!
In this article/post we shall discuss (limit ourselves) on the Yoga called Raj Yoga !! and why because today most of the people link Yoga to asanas as mentioned above.
The Asanas as mentioned above are part of Raj Yoga also known as “Ashtanga Yoga” - what the sage Patanjali provided to mankind. One has to read Patanjali Sutras to understand how the eight steps of Yam , Niyam .Asana , Pranayama, Pratyahara , Dharana , Dhyan , Samadhi lead to that “PURE/ETERNAL BLISS” – in fact Samadhi is the stage of “BLISS”.
Why Asanas are important??
Patanjali the propounder of Raj Yoga states – "Sthir sukham asanam" means where the body is steady and so to say Happy to continue in this particular body posture for may be hours together , days together or may be till eternity !! But by remaining steady what are you going to achieve – you can perform the pranayama (once again the commonly understood meaning –the breathing exercises/control etc) which helps you to go in for further 4 steps eg Pratyahara , Dharana , Dhyan , Samadhi !!
Without going in many details of asanas and pranayama let it be understood that if one wishes to choose only one of these what may be the result ??
Choose “Siddhasana” in asanas and “Anulom/Vilom” in pranayama – a sincere practice of these two can take you to final stage of “Samadhi”!!
Hope now you feel you MUST START IN RIGHT EARNEST – so refer any std book on Yoga and /or internet for Siddhasana , Anulom/Vilom pranayama and reach/realize ULTIMATELY the ETERNAL BLISS – the purpose of your life !!