Different Strokes 4 Different Folks
Today, I met with an individual who is going to assist me on providing life insurance to my clients. As we got to know each other, I could tell that she is extremely passionate about protecting families (like I am) with life insurance coverage and she achieves the sale in a completely different way than I am used to.
After the meeting, as I'm writing this article, it dawned on me that even though her style is completely foreign to me, it probably fits into selling a certain segment of the population. Some individuals will respond more positively to her delivery method. It will attract people she is more comfortable dealing with. In fact, she could achieve HUGE success with her method!
However, her method of selling wasn't for me. In my opinion, her sales processes lacked something and I can't quite put my finger on it. Nothing was underhanded or deceptive about how she was selling, but it just fell right off of me.
Whenever I provide a family with a life insurance policy, it's never hard work for me. The customer realizes they need it, the information I provide is readily received and understood, and the policy is normally closed with a high percentage. Do I sell a policy to everyone I meet? Hell No! Do I think that a customer is wrong for not purchasing? Not in the least bit. However, now I know (per my realization) that maybe the customer was just wrong for me.
From now on, I'll make it my mission to refer off customers/prospects who want service different than what I am used to providing. This will help my prospects by getting the proper type of service they want, provide a smoother sales process, and creating a much greater client experience overall.
Have a great night all!
-Dwight Bentz
Message me if you'd like to chat!