A Different Story of War, A Novel Excerpt
therese young kim
Poet, Author, and Novelist in Korean & English, Website:yoursentimentalstranger.com Therese Young Kim YouTube Channel
#WorldPeace #ProtectEnvironment #EndWorldHunger #Women'sLiterary Fiction #Multicultural Story #LiteraryAgents #Publishers #IndiePublishers #SmallPresses #LinkedIn #Naoung'sJourney?
(This Sunday, June 25, marks 73 years since the Korean War, known as the forgotten war, erupted. With gratitude to and prayers for all the soldiers fighting for the freedom and democracy around the world and for those who are gone, I present a story how the war came into the life of a little girl, Nayoung, with the following excerpt from my completed novel, Nayoung's Journey?.)
Partly based on true events, Nayoung’s Journey? is a multicultural story of a courageous young Korean woman who journeys to the forgotten world of her ancestors, whose love and perseverance was the essence of their survival. This revelation enables Nayoung to return with new resolve to reclaim her lost American dream.
Set against the backdrop of Seoul, Hamburg, and New York following the protagonist's trail in late 1960's, "Nayoung's Journey" shines light on the dark side of her American dream through trauma, despair, and shame suffered from tragic surprises in the new world. The story speaks to all brave women in search of their place in the world while overcoming violence, injustice, and prejudice they face with daunting courage and resilience.
Following is an abridged excerpt from Nayoung's Journey?, a novel. ??
??????????????????????????????????????????? The Forgotten War
June 25, 1950, in Blackstone Village near Seoul, the night fell gently upon a garden abloom with flowers in damp, rich bed of soil. The earthy fragrance of an early summer night streamed in through the thin lattice window open ajar. Lying on a futon Yo in the cozy comfort before curling up to snooze near her younger sister, Namee, who was fast asleep, Nayoung listened dreamily to the sputtering of a little fountain pool in the fishpond outside her window. In the pond, seven goldfish kept circling, also ready to repose for the night. The tall-stemmed red gladioli around the pond looked hauntingly red gently waving in the breeze as if they had something to tell her.?
As Nayoung was lulled into sleep while trying to decipher what the message could be, a thunderous noise shook the village. A moment of numbing silence fell followed by the piercing cry of what sounded like a wild cat. Then the world turned pitch dark. In that darkness, the voice of Nayoung’s father, Tongsun, rang out with his urgent plea, “Good gracious, mother just delivered a baby! It is already screeching! Tongman, light a candle and go quickly to the village doctor and tell him to come immediately! Hurry with a candle, we have a blackout!”?
????Almost instantly, the middle son, Tongman, hurried out of his bedroom steadying a candle in his hands, nearly colliding with the maid who was staggering out of her room in a daze. Tongsun, who had seen the midwives attending to the births of his six other children over the years, knew what to do. He called out the maid and instructed to bring fresh towels and a pair of clean scissors and to warm up a bucket of water.
????“Yuhbo! I don’t know what happened, but I think the baby simply fell out of me from that terrible noise! What was that loud bang?” Nayoung’s mother, Chinju, asked Tongsun wearily when the maid brought some towels and a pair of scissors.?
???“Here, here! Wherever the noise from, nothing should be of concern now that our baby boy is born safely!” Tongsun said in near-tears and gently clipped off the infant’s umbilical cord.
???“Look, look at this bundle of life!” said Tongsun to dazed Chinju, carefully wrapping the tiny infant in a dry towel.
????Just then the breathless village doctor arrived, clutching a black leather bag. He seemed quite surprised and relieved to see the infant already lying in his mother’s arms. But he brought a surprise of his own, saying that the Han River Bridge had just been bombed by the Southern Air Force.
????“What? By our military?” cried Tongsun.
????“Yes, Master Kim, to stop the North Army from crossing the Han River!”
????“North Army?”
????“Yes, from the North! Someone said they infiltrated the South over the 38th parallel, but not a soul was aware of it until too late! And those innocent civilians who happened to be driving on the bridge fell into the river like drowning rats, tst, tst!” The doctor clacked his tongue in distress while he carefully examined the screeching infant before he gently placed the baby into Chinju’s arms.
????“Master Kim, the baby appears to be in decent shape, although he came a bit prematurely. Tiny indeed, but he is intact! Be sure to nourish the mom with hearty seaweed soup. The baby will survive with mom’s milk!” said the doctor and started putting the medical kit into his bag.
????“What a coincidence…to be born at the brink of war, tst, tst !” He clacked his tongue in dismay again and picked his black bag. He stood up to leave.
????“Oh, wait a minute!” said Tongsun quickly reaching to a small chest of drawers and took out some bills to pay the doctor.
????“No, Master Kim! You are the one who attended to the delivery. You don’t owe me a penny,” said the Doctor, gently but firmly pushing away Tongsun’s offer of money.
????“I only want you all to be strong and safe through this terrible time!” said the doctor as he pushed the sliding door and slipped into his shoes and hurried through the silent nocturnal garden filled with the sound of crickets.
Too sorrowed for the parting, all started to trudge down the backside of the hill in silence to the base of the hill where the road parted; one to the east, the other to the south. Tongsun and older children huddled around the little ones and Chinju to bid a farewell.
????“We’ll be back to fetch you soon!” said Tongsun in his trembling voice, to which Namee and three brothers all joined saying, “Yes, we will!”
????“Go safely and come back soon, Apba!” said Nayoung burying her face in her father’s palm.
????“We promise!” said Tongwuk the first son.
????“Don’t get sick, you all!” cried Tongman the middle son.
????“Stay safe!” cried.
????“Yuhbo, there are apples and pears in one of the bundles… Don’t get hungry!” cried Chinju standing like a shadow of sadness.
????“Now get going, Yuhbo, it will get dark soon!” cried Tongsun to Chinju, his voice echoing hollow onto the hill they had just left.
Nayoung held Namee’s hand with her free hand, a bundle in the other, and followed Chinju who started to walk toward Clear Brook, but Nayoung turned around to look at her father and older siblings one more time. They were walking to a distance with shoulders slumped under the weight of the loads, heads bowed as if weeping in the peony pink twilight descending.
????“Yuhbo-seyo?” Chinju called standing in the threshold if anyone inside. ?? ?
“Yuhbo-seyo?” She called again if there was anyone in the house, to which a dark shadow emerged from inside the kitchen door.??
????“Yaa? Who’s out the-r-e?” Rang out a thin voice from behind the wooden door blackened by the smoke and the age. It swung open and emerged a lanky white-haired woman. A log fire was burning underneath the iron cauldron with a familiar smell of rice being cooked, giving an acute sense of hunger to Chinju. The woman wiped her eyes with the sleeve of her gray Jugoree and asked again, “Eng? Who is here?”
????“Are you the venerable Taeyung’s mother of Lee family?” asked Chinju politely.
????“Eng?” The old woman answered as if she were clueless.
????“We’re the Kim family from Blackstone Village. Your late husband used to work at my husband’s silk mill in Seoul… Do you remember, Taeyung’s Mom?” asked Chinju.
????The old woman kept blinking her eyes before clapping her long knobby hands as if something had just dawned on her.
????“My goodness, yeh… I kind of remember. Holy pickle, you walked this far from Blackstone Village with these little ones? tst, tst!” She clacked her tongue and arched up her dark eyebrows looking at Nayoung and Namee with a little backpack standing like two dolls hand in hand.
????“Oh, yes, yes, we’ve walked all the way,” said Chinju. “And we are here to convey my husband’s wish to ask you if you could let us stay awhile under your roof until he comes up to fetch us to the South, soon,” said Chinju, gently pushing Nayoung and Namee forward to greet the woman.
????Promptly the girls bowed deep from the waist, especially Nayoung who bowed so deep that she felt dizzy, her empty stomach growling.
????Moved by the humble manner of the family, the old woman gathered her hands and smiled, “Of course, of course! You all can stay as long as you need!”?
????“Thank you, Taeyung’s mom, for your kind heart! How fortunate we are to meet you in this strange war we have now, only if had we known Kim Il Sung would invade the South with no warnings whatsoever, we would have been better prepared, don’t you think?” said Chinju.
????“Tsk! Do you think I disagree with you? Let me tell you my story!” said the woman. “All my three sons went to fish in the upper stream of Han River one day before the bridge was bombed. Their father used to take my little Taeyung and two older ones to?eel fishing. After he was gone, my sons continued fishing in the river. And, would you believe, they became so good at it that they could even sell what they had caught each day in the East Gate market before coming home by sundown. They were supposed to return home by train the same night the bridge got bombed and they still haven’t come home!” The woman threw her arms mournfully.
Taeyung’s mother ushered them onto the shiny wooden floor between the two rooms facing each other. The three took off their gumshoes before stepping onto the floor. The woman opened the sliding door and led them into the empty room. The floor of the Ondol room matted with yellow bean-oil paper was shiny and clean. It felt cool and smooth underneath their battered feet. The only furniture in the room was a small chest of drawers, on which were stacked up some folded futons and covers.
????Chinju carefully untied the Suhho from her back and put him down on the floor, at which Suhho, who was awaken started to screech, surprising Taeyong’s mom.
???“Holy Buddha, look at this tiny thing! I didn’t know you were carrying an infant! Poor thing, tsk, tsk! Baby’s mom and girls, make yourself comfortable and I’ll feed you all soon!” Taeyung’s mom left the room hurriedly as if with a great purpose.????
In the middle of the night Nayoung awoke from a strange dream. Moonlight filtered through the pale-white mulberry-paper of the lattice window. She gently raised herself and quietly drew open the window. Nayoung peered out, resting her elbow on the sill. In the gentle breeze, a full moon shined softly on her face.
????Looking at the moon Nayoung wondered about her father, her brothers, and older sister Nasoon. She combed the moon with her gaze wishing to find them in it, wondering if they had eaten the dinner as delicious as she had. She wondered if they were trudging somewhere under the moon shining the path. Nayoung stretched her neck out wanting to hear an answer, but the moon only glowed silently into Nayoung’s teary eyes. Barely seven years old, Nayoung felt the pain in her heart that was so profound it hurt her chest, the word she had yet to learn how to pronounce.
???????????????????????? ?-------------------------------------
Winter approached with a heavy snowfall in the village of Clear Brook. As provisions were dried up, reducing to only one meal a day for everyone, there was no bowl of rice for Taeyung’s mother to place on her prayer tray for her sons except for spring water. She then fell ill with fever. Chinju stayed up during the night tending to the old woman until she fell sick herself.
????Rumors were flying that the capital city of Seoul was being flattened by the bombings from the North aided by great number of Chinese soldiers and Soviet arms, resulting in countless casualties. In response, the South Korean Army was now being aided by foreign forces who came from as far as America and other parts around the world with heavy weaponry to counterattack the North invaders. Suhho was also suffering from malnutrition as mother’s milk had dried up.
????“Something has to be done!” Nayoung cried to herself.
????“There must be some dandelions growing under the snow, and the fish swimming in the Clear Brook!” Nayoung slipped out of the quilt and put on layers of clothing to go outside.
????“Where are you going, daughter?” Nayoung heard Chinju’s feeble voice as she was stirring around.
????“I am going outside -- I’ll find something for us to eat, Umma!” said Nayoung cheerfully and picked up a straw basket still laced with dry soil from the very last dandelion picking she had gone with Chinju and Namee in the fall.
????She quickly slipped out of the sliding door, passed the well, and walked in rapid steps toward the field, where she saw no signs of life around, except for the wind whipping through bare trees and dusting off the snow that had piled on the branches. Nayoung stooped over the ground on her knees and dug into the snow with her fingernails, but there were no dandelions. All she could dig up was a handful of coarse grass roots from the frozen soil.
From?Nayoung’s Journey? Copyright by ?Therese Young Kim
All Right's Reserved
Acknowledgment: Utmost gratitude to Michael Organ for publishing the above story in Tuck Magazine in original text.
Author's Note:?Nayoung's Journey? is introduced in the first page of my website: yoursentimentalstranger.com.??????????????????
Invesment & Marketing Consultant at Petro Ariana
1 年Great photo ??
Precious valuable Therse ??your wording is precious. Like you. And you are beautiful inside out A blessing ???
Poet, Author, and Novelist in Korean & English, Website:yoursentimentalstranger.com Therese Young Kim YouTube Channel
1 年Dear my most distinguished and beloved LinkedIn friends, thank you so much for visiting, even briefly, and for offering me your kind encouragement and support. With honor and privilege, I humbly extend my warmest wishes to you in your celebrated world of arts, literature, humanity, science and more, especially to your ongoing pursuit of very special dreams!