~!!! Different People Different Perceptions !!!~
"Sometimes in ensuring justice, we forget the law. And sometimes in trying to enforce the law, we ignore justice!" Just a thought
As an educator – I am in a fix.. to laugh or to cry?
Do you wonder, why?
Just listened to an interview on a channel from a student who was getting into his fourth year of Engineering (B.E) in an Engineering College, in some part of the state, who was jumping with joy over the decision taken by the Government that ‘all those who have arrears of subjects (I mean, the subject which they have not passed in the previous years and accumulated them over the years) are declared ‘all pass’, which qualifies him to enter his fourth year of engineering.
In the absence of this announcement, he would not have gone to the fourth year as he had about 23 subjects as arrears accumulated over the last three years. At one stroke, he passes in all of them, even without appearing in an examination.
God Bless him! So are others with 15, 12 and in varying numbers of arrears of subjects who move to higher classes even without appearing in examinations.
I have no quarrels with the announcement. I always believe that no one is a failure in life. It is quite possible, that these students and so do others, may do very well in life, by taking to business, politics and other rewarding professions.
I have only a prayer that they should not turn out to be engineers. How can we compromise with a pilot who is 95 percent accurate in landing? How can we compromise with a doctor who is 90 percent correct in his surgery?
That apart, for years we had failed the students with 34 percent marks because they missed out that one mark to pass. And suddenly now, we, in the context of the pandemic, let people even without one mark to pass the examination.
Should we cry or laugh, as educators? I don’t know. At one end, we talk of quality in education, and at another end we don’t even promote mediocrity in education. For the past several days, I had been speaking about the way NPE is seeking to enhance quality in education.
I promise, I will be cautious In future. Well, while discussing with some friends, I used the two words – law and justice. Sometimes in ensuring justice, we forget the law. And sometimes in trying to enforce the law, we ignore justice!
Increasingly, education is becoming a joke! Fake institutions, Fake teachers, Fake students, Fake degrees. And I am just listening to someone who is advising me “Why do you annoy people? After all, God has already written their destiny and this decision is also a part of their journey towards their destiny.”
Thanks to Dr. D.S. Kothari whose first sentence in his report of the Education Commission in 1968 read “The destiny of a nation is shaped in her classrooms.”
We must learn to take things sportively, at least today, 29th August, when we are celebrating the National Sports Day and dance with passion like Michael Jackson on his Birthday!
So friends, when you listen to such exciting news in your channels, switch them off! Don’t let them interfere with your own happiness, because if you have to be happy, you must learn either learn to ignore them, or learn to live with them.
After all, someone says that he is happy because Covid-19 has come and helped him! And they are grateful to the same!
From FB post of Shri Balaji.
Kind courtesy Preeti Upadhyay