Different outlook on 80-20 principle..
The 80-20 rule, also known as the?Pareto Principle, is a familiar saying that asserts - 80% of outcomes (or outputs) result from 20% of all causes (or inputs) for any given event.
In this article I am taking a "Different outlook on 80-20 principle" and sharing some interesting insights and learnings.
In my software development experience of more than 15 years, I worked with multiple teams, awesome personnel and experts who performed roles to the best of their abilities.
I always found 80% of personnel perform in the role as EXPECTED to "Deliver continuous value" and 20% EXCEED expectations in the same role and "Deliver beyond value."
Sharing some of those personal insights, observations and thoughts. Hope you would find it interesting and useful.
80% Developers
20% Developers
80% QA
20% QA
80% Product owners
20% Product owners
80% Scrum masters
20% Scrum masters
80% Architects
20% Architects
80% DevOps experts
20% DevOps experts
80% Project managers
20% Project managers
80% Engineering Leadership
20% Engineering Leadership
If you feel you belong to 80%, you now know "certain elements" that can be embraced and improved.
If you feel you are in 20%, keep learning & improving.
Want to end with this below quote..
Work ethic must exceed the expectation level -?Tom Coughlin
Thanks for reading this article. Any feedback is welcome :)