Different Messiah Amen Religion (DMAR)



July 28, 2024



Different Messiah Amen Religion (DMAR) is a religion for people with disabilities. There are 14 core beliefs for the Different Messiah Amen Religion. The holy text for the religion is any text that supports the core beliefs, which includes the Bible, the Book of Mormon, the Quran, and Confucius.


Amenhotep IV


First Different Messiah (DM)


In 1353 BC, belief in one God came from a king with a D brain. He wrote the first prayers to the one God. Amen was physically different, and he was not ashamed. Amen did acts with his heart in the right place. He acknowledged only one God: The God of change, love, and kindness. DMAR's tenet is Amen had a disability.




The first act of D kindness was in 1179 BC. A queen saved her newborn son from being killed. DM Septah became king.? God blessed him with a club foot from birth.


Mephibosheth - Meph


God of kindness put King David's heart in the right place after defeating King Saul. Jonathan was the son of Saul and the friend of King David. Saul and Jonathan died. Meph was the son of Jonathan, who had club feet. God of kindness told King David to put his heart in the right place, in the house of Saul. David found Meph. Meph became a DM.





Different: God made us all different for reasons.


God made us all different. After birth, God gave us differences. Amenhotep was made different. He looked and thought differently. Google his statue to see his different body. The king, his father, never wrote about him until his brother died.? Amenhotep became king.? He had a different brain because he was the first to believe in one God. At that time, all believed in The Gods. He changed the religion to one God. He was too different. The Hymn to the Aten was written when he was king. Psalm 104 is similar to the hymn. He was king for 17 years. After he died, The Gods’ religion was restored until Moses and others wrote the Old Testament, which said there was just one God. But the priests and the people thought Amenhotep was too different. God makes us different for unknown reasons so we can implement future purposes when we die.


Shameless: Not ashamed of physical and mental differences.


God made symmetrical and asymmetrical bodies and faces. God created the middle brain for all animals to survive but only gave people the thinking brain. God instructed the middle brain to prefer symmetrical bodies and faces for sexual reproduction. God bestowed on the thinking brain the power to imagine religion, government, and education so people would not destroy each other. These thinking blessings love asymmetrical bodies and faces. God made asymmetrical bodies and faces to be perfect to God. God forbids us to be ashamed if we have asymmetrical bodies and faces. God directs us to be shameless of our asymmetrical bodies and faces. We are beautiful the way God made us.


Amenhotep IV had an asymmetrical body and face. He was shameless. He had statues made of him showing his asymmetrical body and face.


Change: Being different and doing things differently to improve humanity.

God made us to change for survival and growth. Change is part of free will. God gave us free will to remain the same or to change for good or bad.


Amenhotep IV changed the religion to believe in one God.


Love: Universal affection.


God made universal love in the thinking brain. God wants people to love community, life, and earth. Love is an emotional brain blessing.? Universal love is uniquely human. Peace is part of universal love.


Amenhotep IV did not support the army because of universal love.


Kindness: The heart is in the right place.


The first act of D kindness was in 1179 BC. A queen saved her newborn son from being killed. DM Septah became king.? God blessed him with a club foot from birth.



Right war: Fighting for a noble purpose.


About 1380 years ago, in BC, Joseph went to Egypt. After Joseph was dead, his descendant Moses freed the Jews. Moses had to unite the people, so God made him follow the teaching of Amenhotep IV to worship one God. Moses inspired the beginning of the Old Testament to be written because of Amenhotep IV and God.


After Moses died, Samuel became the prophet. He made Saul the King. Saul had David destroy the enemies of the Jews by an exemplary war. Saul violated God's trust, so God had David have a right war against Saul. David defeated Saul. God wants us to fight for good reasons.


Birth: Newborn or reborn self


God gave us a brain with a billion neurons at birth and the power to choose how to connect and use them. God bestowed on us born again and new neurons. Born again neurons give us the free will to correct lousy connections. New neurons give us the free will to make new neurons. God gave us the neuron blessings to change our lives.


In 2 Samuel 9, a dead dog named Meph, was born again. He believed he was a dead dog because of bad connections of neurons. King David inspired him to be born again. Meph became a Different Messiah.?


Falling on the face: Humility. To be humble


God wants us to be humble and to appreciate what we have and receive. Meph showed gratitude when he received wealth and power from King David.


Reverence: Inspired. To admire


God wants us to revere, honor, respect, and inspire. Meph honored King David.


Continuing: Persistent. To persist


God wants us to continue by persisting and striving. Meph continued to be with King David.


Elite: Thinking Elite. To think


God created one elite being on earth. An elite being has a thinking brain. God made different brains that can decide to think or react. Meph chose to be part of the elite thinkers.


Gift: Anything given by God that is perfected by strenuous effort.


God gave us particular talents as gifts. But we must master them by tireless efforts.

We need support from people and money to master our gifts. Happiness comes from mastering your gifts.


King David, by God, gave Meph gifts.


Wealth: Making resources for good and happiness


God wants wealth to be used for good purposes. God wants wealth to be used for joy and to pursue happiness. God knows not everyone can be wealthy and wants wealthy people to do good.


King David defeated King Saul. King David took the wealth, land, and power from the house of Saul. But King David loved Jonathan, the son of Saul. Jonathan died with Saul. King David wanted to honor Jonathan. He ordered that a relative of Jonathan be found. A man with club feet was the son of Jonathan named Meph. King David gave Meph the servants, land, power, and wealth he took from Saul.


Power: A philosopher. To be a wise leader


God wants us to use power wisely. King Saul asked tiny David to help defeat the enemy. David led the army to defeat the enemy. After the enemy was defeated, King Saul didn't use his power wisely, so David had to beat Saul. King David did a lot for the people and Methibosheth. King David used power wisely.



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