A Different Look at #GivingTuesday
Jeff McCann
Non Profit Executive | Secondary Education | Higher Education | Career Development
The day is here. The day where non-profits everywhere gently nudge, poke, prod, and cajole friends and supporters to fund great causes and remind us all how incredible the work and efforts are, and what is being accomplished. It’s a great day to recognize and support indeed.
I am writing this post in celebration of #GivingTuesday not to poke anyone here on LinkedIn for just money, but to look deeper at what else you can give, today, and every day. I am taking to heart a quote from an old 80’s hard rock band, grammar police be forewarned, this ain’t good English.
“It’s not what you’ve got, it’s what you give.”
As a non-profit leader, I am giving thanks and gratitude today to all of our supporters and schools that helped us get things going in Orlando, Florida. I want to bring attention to two professional educators; Ms. Orangie Maxwell, Jones High School, and Ms. Vanessa Villabona, Poinciana High School (pictured here at our NYC Conference this summer).
They have embraced their new roles as Academic Athletic Coaches with a first class passion and energy that cannot be overlooked. The student athletes in their charge will undoubtedly benefit from their commitment and giving for years to come. Thank you both, you are celebrated and appreciated by all of us here at the AthLife Foundation. Thank you for what you give.