There are different kinds of love

There are different kinds of love

When one is attracted to another person, that is the power of magnetism. Like attracts like. That feeling is Love. If you felt the same attraction, the energy, or the Love you feel is attraction. That moment, i say that is Love. But when the person begins to possess the other, that is not love. That is possessing. If the person tried to control the one he said he loves, in that moment of feeling to control, that is not Love. That is controlling. When the person who said he is in love but feels jealousy when the one he loved is seen talking to someone, in that moment, that is not loving. That is jealousy.

So, by now it is clear that a positive emotion could create a negative emotion from the person who said is in love. Why? The problem lies in the individual's weaknesses. If that weakness surfaced, it means the person must be aware of his own negative quality. Love is just Is. It does not control, it does not possessed. It is Charity. So, who or what teaches us to study our weaknesses? Love. At this period, we should try to balance our extremes, as i always suggested. To correct it, there is no such thing as the many kinds of Love. If there are, that is human creation. The rational human being is misdirected by his own negative personality. Think about the instinctive Love: It has chemistry as the base. Should all biology, chemistry, or maybe we say all chemistry and the affinities of the instinctive manifests itself in the sights, rejections, mechanical and chemical combinations, we call love, courtship, are marriage, children and family only human equivalent of a pharmacy laboratory. But who is the chemist here?

We call it nature. But who is Nature? As little as we suspect that the fight to the Banyan married suspects a gardener. But there is a gardener. Instinctive love are chemically so strong and lasts as long as the materials and the properties of what it is the manifestation. . . . It can be known and measured only by a call progression. Many people have noticed that marriages are kept happy or unhappy. The number of children, their longevity, sex etc. The so-called science of astrology is the science the inheritance of over long periods of time.

Then there is emotional Love: It is not rooted in biology. It is indeed, as often as anti-biological in character and direction. Instinctive love obey the laws of biology, i.e, chemistry, and revenues of affinities. But emotional love is often mutual attraction and biological abnormalities. Emotional love, if it is not accompanied by instinctive love (as it rarely), rare in young, and when that happens, biology is not served. Strange creatures emerged from the close emotional love, mermen and mermaids, Bluebeards and des belles dames sans merci. Emotional love is not only short but it is reminiscent of his death. This creates hatred in his mission as hatred does not already exist. The emotional lovers soon an object of indifference, and soon of hatred. This is the tragedy of love, emotional.

Also there is conscious love: It is rare to find to exist between people; it can be shown in the relations of man to his favorites in the animal and plant kingdom. The development of horse and dog from its original state of nature, flowers and vegetables, which are examples of a primitive form of conscious love, primitive, because the subject is still selfish and utilitarian. In short, you have a personal use for a good horse and the vegetable, and his work can not access it for love, said to be alone. The conscious motive developed in his state, is the desire that the object must come in its own language perfection, regardless of the consequences for the enthusiast.

As she became perfectly that I do, said a deep lover. “I will go to hell”, as they can go to heaven. And this paradox of the view that such a love always guarantees a similar attitude in his mission, conscious awareness. It is rare in humans, because firstly, the Most children looking for, but not to love, and secondly, because perfection is seldom mentioned as the real end of human love, though only for adults to distinguish it from infantile and animal love, and thirdly to know, because people do not even if they do, and that is good for those who love them, and the fourth because it will not happen by chance, but the subject of a separate effort, self-conscious choice to be. If it’s art, has a deep love to be a work of art. As a lover register for his apprenticeship, and perhaps one day achieve mastery. He perfected himself so clean he would like and can the staff of the perfection of his Beloved.

If you don’t have an agreed upon definition of love, then you have many definitions of love. If you have more than one definition of love, then there is more than one kind of love. Is love approval? Is love sexual attraction? Is love unconditional acceptance? Is love awe or worship or reverence? is love protectiveness and dependency? Is love need and need fulfillment? Is love all of these, some of these depending on the love object, or none of these? My answer is that love is none of these. But one or some of these are what most people confuse with love.

However, in my opinion, love requires knowing and wanting to know more about who you love. Love is the fervent desire to know and come in contact with the being of another. In that way, love is very specific to the individual that is loved So, there is only one love because it is specific to that person. Several people can love that one person. And a person can love several people but not in the same way because the love is specific to each person. In other words, Mom can’t love you best but mom can love you and your sibling and her spouse and her siblings and her friends as much but differently because they are different.We all know that here are many kinds of love in the world we live in.

Familial love- This is the love of family members. It is about loyalty and wanting the best for them. It is very hard to break this love. Brotherly/Sisterly love-This is love for your friends. It is less loyal than familial love but you still want the best for them. You won’t necessarily go as out of your way to help as family. This love can also be more easily broken than familial love. Romantic love- This is love for a mate or partner. This love is loyal and you want the best for them but you are also sexually attracted to them. This love takes more work. There needs to be good communication and good negotiation skills and it can be broken.

Principled love- This is love for humanity as a whole, or for animals, or the earth. It is more abstract but those who work to make the world a better place have this love. Self love- This is love for yourself. Some people have too little and others have too much. It is hard to get a good balance with this love. This love tends to be broken by others instead of broken by ourselves. Activity love- This is passion and love for something you do. It can be a career, a hobby, or a sport. The focus of this love might be broad and change over a lifetime or it might be very focused and consistent. Pet love- This is love for a specific animal(s). It is similar to familial love but because they are a different species, there are limits to the length we might go to help them when in life or death situations. This love is not easily broken once it is established but this love doesn't come easily to everyone.

As per Greek mythology Eros which is the kind of love built on lust and sexual desire. Philia which is brotherly love, it is a sincere and platonic love, this is the kind of love you have for your best friend or your siblings. Ludus, which is a playful kind of love, where there is flirting. In this kind of love, you only think of the moment and not of the future. Pragma, it is the everlasting love, between a married couple, which develops over a long period of time . It is the highest kind of love, which requires true commitment, understanding and compromise. This is the kind of love, that you stand in love with someone, because anyone can fall in love with anyone.

Agape, which is selfless kind of love, which is love for humanity and it is the purest kind of love, because it is the kind of love you give without expecting anything in return. And the reason for it, is the urge to make the world a better place. Philautia, which is self love, having narcissistic tendencies, which seeks pleasure, fame, wealth and has a lot of ego, which are the negative side of things. While the positive sides are the healthy kind of love that we give ourselves and the need for growth. And this is where we learn to love ourselves, so as to love others, and to care for ourselves, so as to care for others

Storge which is unwavering devotion,which is the kind of love that parents have for their children, which is very natural, and very protective. It is the kind of love that knows, forgiveness, acceptance and sacrifice. This is the kind of love, whereby you can protect with your life, even when you have been wronged. Brotherly love, which is love among the boys. Sisterly love, which is love among the girls. Grandpa and grandma love, is the kind of love, grand parents have for their grandchildren. Neighbourly love, is the love you have for your neighbours. Religious love, which is love amongst people with the same religious beliefs or faith. Cheers!


