Different fields and specialties in Biotechnology
Joseph Shenekji
PhD in Biotechnology engineering, Content writer | Majarra lecturer in the UOA - Bioengineer - founder of biotechnology.sy
Biotechnology Specialties, especially a branch called Biotechnology Engineering (Bioengineer) that handle any living organism or product produced or effect living organisms, to study it or enhance it and benefit from it. this field is known for its research in treating and diagnosing cancer, in COVID-19 diagnosis and vaccination, in the plant genetic engineering revolution, and in producing biofuel and biodiesel to help reduce environmental global crisis.
Here is an example of how biotechnology engineering specialties are classified and some of the jobs they can do, divided into:
1- Red - Medical biotech:
essential applications include: Cancer treatment, diagnosis, prevention - Genetics of humans and genome projects - Medical Genetics - IVF - GWAS - Gene Therapy - Stem Cells - Healthy Lifestyle - Personalized Medicine - genetics counselling.
2- Green - Agricultural biotech:
essential applications include: Biocontrol against plant pests and diseases- Plant Breeding - Food Security - Genetically Modified Foods
3- White - Industrial biotech:
essential applications include: Pharmaceutical Industry - Recombinant Enzymes - HPLC Purification - Starter Manufacturing - Giant Fermenters - Probe Manufacturing
4- Red - Pharmaceutical biotech:
essential applications include: Vaccines - Cancer Treatments - Monoclonal Antibodies -
5- Yellow - Food biotech:
essential applications include: enhancing Plants - Yeasts - Bacteria - Animals - Laboratory Meat Production - Fungi Containing Meat Proteins - Personalized Diet (genetic dieting).
6- Blue - Marine biotech:
essential applications include: Seaweed products - Marine Fish production - Jellyfish - Marine Genetic Pool - Research on Rare Genes (Fluorescence ...) - naval gene hunting.
7- Forensic sciences biotech:
essential applications include: Determining Lineage - Detecting a Crime - Detecting Genetically Modified Foods - Uncovering Unethical Organism Modification
8- Golden - Bioinformatics:
essential applications include: Programming in programming languages - Graphical programming - NGS data processing - Design of primers - genetics - genomics - proteomics - databases - 3d structures - cell signals - cellular interactions - microarray - alignments - Simulation and modeling - Biostatistics - Graphs
9- Violet - Ethics and legislation biotech:
essential applications include: Biolegislation - Bioethics - Patents - Biopiracy - Human rights.
10- Microbial biotech:
essential applications include: Classification and molecular typing - Antibiotic resistance - Genetic engineering - Classification of plasmids - microbiome.
11- Genetic engineering:
essential applications include: Recombinant plasmids - CRISPR - Talen - Zinc finger - Gene therapy with viruses - prime editing - PASTE technique.
12- Viral biotech:
essential applications include: Classification - Evolutionary study - Gene fishing - Genetic modification - Gene therapy - Biocontrol
13- Fungi biotech:
essential applications include: Productive - Classification - Genetic - Antibiotics production.
14- molecular paleontology :
essential applications include: Evolutionary biology - Restoration of extinct animals - Family Trees - Molecular Clocks - History of Civilizations.
15- Taxonomy biotech:
essential applications include: phylogenetic Trees - Organ Transplantation - Genetic Convergence - discovery of new species.
16- Epigenetics biotech:
essential applications include: The Interaction of the Environment with Genes - Inheritance of Acquired Traits - Gene Expression - Methyl Maps - histone modification - miRNA editing.
17- Green - Environmental:
essential applications include: Biomarkers for pollution - Treatment of Solid Waste Pollution - Treatment of Liquid Waste - Alternative Bioenergy - Treatment of Radioactive Pollution - Finding Safer Alternatives for Molecular Laboratory Work
18- Gold - Nanotechnology:
essential applications include: Drug Delivery - Cancer Treatment - Nano Genetic Inhibition - Nano Vaccines -
19- Cell Signaling and Systems Biology:
essential applications include: Signaling Pathways - Signaling Cascades - Studies of Cellular Interactions - Intercellular Interactions - Protein Research and Their Interactions - Receptors and Their Activation and Inhibition.
20- Genetic Pools:
essential applications include: Study of genetic Groups - Allele Frequency - Stability of Genetic Pools - Genetic Diversity - Rare Genes.
21- Tissue engineering:
essential applications include: Cancer cell culture - Plant tissue culture - Virus study - Tissue culture for organ or skin repair in burns
22- applied biotechnology techniques:
SSR- PCR - West blot - RFLP - NGS - Extraction - Microarray
23- Medical and laboratory electronics (biomedical engineering):
Laboratory devices - Measuring devices - Artificial organs and immune response - Histocompatibility between materials and living tissues
24- Economics, technical management and quality:
Bioeconomy - Supervision of biological laboratories - Materials economics and management of biological companies - Management of laboratory production lines
25- Academic biotech:
history of biotechnology - University education in the biotech fields - Supervision of research - Submission of research plans - Publishing articles - Proofreading articles - Translation and writing books - History of biotechnology.
26- Black biotechnology:
essential applications include: Bioterrorism - Biological weapons - Combating bioterrorism
27- Structure - Desert and dry area biotechnology:
essential applications include: Study of drought tolerance genes and cultivation of drought tolerance patterns - Desert cover.
28- psychological biotechnology:
essential applications include: Behavioral genetics - relation of genes to psychic conditions - inheritance of psychological diseases.
29- Genetic banks:
Includes several specializations in the same research, for example preservation, sequencing, renewal, extraction, conservation.
30- biomolecules based specialty:
essential applications include: dna, rna, protein,----cytogenics - genetics - genomics - proteomics - transcriptomics - organelles. hsp - epgf - p53
31- space biotechnology:
essential applications include: search for life in space, studying life preservation in other planets, diseases and biological changes in microgravity.
32- Chrono biotechnology:
essential applications include: biological clocks - circadian rhythms - biological long and short rhythms.
33- insect biotechnology:
essential applications include: production of spider silk - study of insects - pest control
this is a very general display of specialties in biotech