A Different Approach to Cold Emails
Have you been thinking about adding “cold emails” to your marketing/sales tools? If it makes you break out in a sweat, you’re on the right track. Cold messages have a high rate of failure – but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t work. A disappointing result typically indicates the person didn’t do a very good job of crafting the message.
What They Get Wrong
I get cold emails all the time and I find them annoying (on the good end) and infuriating (on the bad end).
I hate:
·??????When the sender assumes I am in need of exactly what they offer (we can get you 3,000 leads a day!)
·??????When the sender is completely wrong about what I might be looking for (we can increase your revenue by 10x!)
·??????When the sender may not be a real human or living in this part of the globe (examples too many to mention).
So, if you are a real person with a real product or service and want to reach out to new prospects, is there a better approach? Of course!
A Smarter Approach
1.????First, show respect for the recipient. Assuming they WANT what you’re selling is too stupid for words. You have to ASK them IF this is something they’re interested in.
2.????Next, explain who you are, where you are, what you do, and a little about your background or business experience.
3.????Finally, let them know that IF they need help with what you offer, that you’d be happy to connect via email or phone.
A Natural Voice Will Be More Successful
Yes, talk to them as if they were standing in front of you at a neighborhood barbecue. What a concept!
Email subject line: are you in need of a marketing content writer?
Hi, I’m Susana Fonticoba, owner of Clear Path Strategy based in Morris County NJ. I’ve been a business owner offering marketing services since 2004. If your company has considered using the services of an experienced writer for email marketing, blogging, and other marketing content, you can email me at [email protected].
Now how difficult is that? Simple, straight to the point. Will I get people ignoring me? Sure. Will I anger anyone? Unlikely. I may even get referrals.
Another tactic that’s old-fashioned but still works: writing a letter. Yes a paper one.
If your company wants to get an intro to companies within an industry, look up their mailing addresses, write a similarly worded letter, and put a real stamp on a real envelope and mail it. Postcard mailers can be very expensive. A real letter in the mail will gain more attention than 30 social media posts. Everything old is new again!
The point is to be yourself, be natural, speak to others they way you would like to be spoken to, and don’t spend a ton of money and time on methods that are already flooded with traffic.
Give it a try and let me know what happens.