Differences between Test Plan, Test Strategy and Test Case

Differences between Test Plan, Test Strategy and Test Case

In software development there are many terms that they seem similar but in fact there are the differences. The words "Plan-Strategy and Case" related with Test are a good example for this. Even though they have different functions , they are all connected to each other. But what are they?

>Test Plan : It' s a super document that lists EVERYTHING that will be required in the project. It's a detailed road map with all activities like the scope, the roles, entry-exit criteria and test objectives.

>Test Strategy: We find the details in strategy. It gives us clear details to decide what kind of tools we need to use for different types of tests.

>Test Case: It's more specific. The steps that will be performed in the test are written here. It also includes the conditions, environment, expected-actual results and the situation whether the tests passed or failed

I hope with the knowledge of these differences between these terms we can create better plans ;)


