Difference of Thinking
Greg and Julie Gorman
Founders of the Married for a Purpose Marriage Reboot? – Transforming Marriages with a 99.7% Success!
Have you ever noticed how differently you and your spouse approach topics such as parenting, finances, or even how to do things? Over the years we’ve learned to celebrate these differences. Check out this week’s word of encouragement to learn how your differences can strengthen your relationship.
Click here to watch the video.
NOW AVAILABLE…In Two Are Better than One, Greg and Julie Gorman share an irrefutable and exhilarating insight that, when fully embraced by both husband and wife, will heal, restore, and deepen intimacy in every marriage. Yes, in every marriage, no matter the condition of the relationship. You’ll laugh at their fresh twist on some of your favorite Bible heroes and be surprised by many “Aha!” moments as they provide the pathway to uncover GOD’S BIG IDEA for your marriage, leading you on an exciting journey of discovery. Join the movement (#marriedforapurpose) and experience a purpose-focused, NOT problem-focused, marriage.