A Difference In Opinion
Darlene M. Fenrick Washington
President & CEO DMW Publishing - DMWBooks.com
Let's take three (3) people's lives and let's place a value on them. Let's use a drug dealer, a philanthropist, and an entertainer. Now, let's rank them in order of importance. Do this in your head.
Ok, we're going to visit three neighborhoods, a ghetto, a rich zip code and a blue collar zone. Rank these too in your head.
How many of you put the poor and unfortunate at the bottom? Probably all of you. However, the problem is, there's a dollar value and stigma attached to this group as well and it's ZERO. Human beings place a value on everything. It's our nature and our egos that allow the many daily atrocities that occur all over the world. No accessible quality drinking water in parts of Africa, it ain't over here, in the states, no worries. People dying of starvation every where, all over the world. Every injustice done to someone else is an injustice to all of us. Like it or not, when we're old and done, our children will be running this world. What we teach them now will determine our continued existence later. Imagine your grandchildren and your great grandchildren having to choose whether or not you deserve your supplemental income, public aid income, because you're old and senile -- can't work any more; and you lost all of your money in crooked investments. Not crooked on your part, but crooked on the thief's part who stole your money! Or cause you've got some type of cancer, "and hurry up and die" sucking all of the money out of the poor people's financial network, that we do all we can to avoid funding. Just stop it! Go away....What a punishment for our future human existence.
Just think about how much every race of people doesn't want to own their barbarianism, their vicious cultures of child rape and many other vulgarities, the Whites, the Blacks, the Indians, the Hispanics, no one wants to own their dirty ass laundry. But it's there!! And Racism is the Genocide of Humanity!! If we don't own it, our children will repeat it. We are each other's saviors. Hiding slave history in its totality amongst all the races; ignoring critical race theory, or down playing police brutality to training issues, continuing to allow sex trafficking, (and to believe IT'S IN AMERICA TOO! My God!) won't help us! Our corruption is overpowering our ability to value the very lives we need to continue the corruption. That's pretty damn corrupt!
Can we just let love and appreciation in our hearts? Can we just see across the table another beating heart? Souls put here on earth with a purpose, not just to die. Not just to feed egos and pockets that are as deep as our own living hell! How and why do we place such high value on our own lives while degrading others, as if they have no right to existence, health care, riches, healthy food, etc.? And when and if anyone loses their position of power, as if that could never happen to anyone, when it does every day, is the idiocracy that exists in the human race. WE BLEED BULLSHIT....AND WE BELIEVE THE BULLSHIT WE BLEED...God still loves us. Oh but is he tired....
I know, I know, we should stop talking about it. No one wants to hear how they have continuously fucked up. It's that, "I said I'm sorry" syndrome. Like our apology immediately erases the loss of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness in the moments that we suffer or suffered. Well, it doesn't. But "If I'm sorry and I've changed my behavior," then leave me alone is applicable...then. Or don't leave me alone, I don't care. You're not God. Yeah, that feels right...I agree, that's why we we're sinking into lower and lower morality every single day. Out here trying to do God's job. And yet we ALL NEED DISCIPLINE, like the children we are.
Hypocrisy is second nature in humans...