Difference between a Trademark and a copyright ?
Difference between a #trademark and a #copyright .
Definiton : Trademark is a word, symbol, or a logo or a design that identifies and distinguishes the source of design of goods and services of one party from other parties.
Q : Is trademark same as copyright ?
No ! A trademark typically protects brand names and logos on the goods services. A copyright, on the other hand, protects the artistic and literary work.
Can a Trademark be a popular phrase ?
Trademarks don't protect common sayings or proverbs . They are not meant to give business owners a monopoly on a trending phrase . The purpose of a Tradmark is - to let the consumer identify the source of the product or service they are busying . Thet can't work with common sayings or anything verbal. Since it's popular, a proverb or a saying can't be distinctive . Or an exclusive property of a company.
Recent reasons for Trademark rejection ?
From application for the phrase, ' Nevertheless, she persisted' . This sentence cannot be owned by a company ! " Because consumers are likely to have seen this common phrase in many different sources, the public cannot see this sentence or a tagline as a Trademark that identifies with one company exclusively. But rather, only as a conveying an informational message . "
" The more commonly a word or a phrase or a slogan or a punch line is used in everyday speech and daily life, the less the public will use it to identify only with ONE source and it's less likely that term or #slogan will be recognized by purchasers or consumers as a #trademark or a service mark " #legal #businesslaw