Eoin Fehily MBS
As a coach my job is to inspire and help clients to achieve their full potential; whether that’s in business, in sport or in their own personal life.
I am forever stressing to people the difference between the both. Time away from work and enlighten you to see the same issues in a different perspective, shed new light on a problem or even detach some emotional attachment to see & to think clearer.
Time off should be time off. Not one eye and X and your thoughts on Y. Time off should be time off to recharge and reboot.
Away from the obvious, this year has been extremely different to most - SCREEN TIME.
I have always needed and had to use a phone, laptop etc to do my work but always limited use, good structures in place etc. Like most, I had to change how I worked, putting boundaries and structures in place but something I couldn't avoid was 90-100% of my working time, was the computer.
Jan & Feb - Harvard Business School Leadership - Online.
March - IMI Diploma Management transferred to online until completing in May.
April/May/June - Cambridge University - Leadership
May - Started IMI Diploma in Leadership online
April - August - FAI Teaching - We had to transfer all our teaching in 6 modules across 2 sites to online. Consisting of online classes, correcting all assignments and alternative exams online.
From March with the shutdown, i had to transfer all executive coaching job, mentoring, company presentations & business development workshops all being transferred online.
This was all new, it didn't bother me too much as i learn to 'swim better in the deep end' - It was good to throw gas on the fire to grow and adapt quickly. This of course was always worked from home, so I was conscious with the kids always seeing me on the computer.
I didn't think we would get away this year with the restrictions, so it was incredible to get away to Kerry for a couple of nights and be fully focused just on the kids and family. It's important to take time off. I am fully rebooted and fully focused and refreshed for the rest of the year. Coupled with the head fatigue the computer brings, i could not wait to get away and switch off.
The Facebook Group (Mindset- Routine of Excellence) will be getting a lot more interactive and personal, so please keep the ideas coming.
New programs to work with me are being rolled out across September.
I have scheduled bookings (Online) & Business Development booking right through September to November. So, if you are interested in working with me, please just drop a message and we can schedule a video/phone call.