The Difference Between Our Own Utopia and Dystopian Views of the Future

There comes a time, when one has to take a deep breath and swallow his pride and accept that life might not have dealt him a fair hand, a perspective that might daunt one as lame, but still acceptable within the spectrum of political correctness, or on the other side, the brave side of things, to accept the opportunity cost attached to his own actions or inactions and their subsequent measure in the face of Fortune, Prosperity or Fatum. Given that some time has passed from my previously stated “State of emergency” decree, I have come to understand that it takes Time to heal old wounds and to welcome fresh perspectives. Sometimes, we forget the most important aspect that makes us humans: empathic communication. Our overly stressed lives, our overly fast-paced rhythms, have got the worse of us. We have become Zombies in the face of no apocalypse, except our own dooms days sometimes comes from within.

Today, I am going to bring into discussion isolation, as isolation is the topic of order in this state of emergency. Depending on which and what one has accustomed himself in this lifetime, isolation might come free of cost, or fully charged in cost terms. One needs to understand that there is no perpetuated truth he needs to follow. One needs to understand that family has no purpose if there is no intrinsic value attached to the utter most important relationships for those members. The family which should be the most basic function of society, has long lost its purpose and meaning, remaining this single handicapped cell trying to strive for power or vengeance within its own membranes. 

In times like this it is very important we understand that big families are meaningful for all arts & crafts, but not only for those. A numerous family will help all of us understand the finite spectrum of light, and in the light of Pasque events to better and improve ourselves for the following day. 

I have numerous ideas in terms of education households and how to select the best means and plans for defining goal-getting in the distant future. But in the near future, I am calling upon a small quest, for those of you, who are willing to take the extra leap of faith in describing their own version of Utopia vs Dystopia from today’s State of Emergency. In case you have not taken the time to asses your personal qualities, maybe now it’s a good time for introspection. 

Break a leg!


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