Difference between NFT and Image Rights
This may be the question baffling almost every creator who is reluctant to put their work online in fear of copyfraud and violated rights.
Who can blame them? Their fear is as valid as the 4th of July.
Being a creator, I want to make sure my work is recognized by the people, who will buy and share it and then make me money and fame. They will talk about it with their friends and family, share it on social media and boast during office recess.
People, right?
As happy as I would be seeing my face and my work out there, reciprocated and applauded by thousands of people, it is a double-edged sword.
The better my art does, the more careful I must be.
Vultures are a gift from nature. They clean up the mess of the stinking carcass. They are the good ‘bad-people’ of the animal world.
The vultures of the human world are pure evil. They prey on the works of others and profit from it while tainting the image of the real artist. These vultures do so by copying and selling your work as their own. All they need is a persuasive personality and a person gullible enough to believe their lies. Luckily, for them, we have such people out there.
The question of copyrights has even baffled lawyers all around the world. When you sell your NFT, do you sell the copyrights as well, or is it just the NFT you are selling?
At the end of the day, NFT is just a unique representation of the original asset.
That is why more than NFT what matters is the smart contract. The smart contract that governs the sale of an NFT can specify how the rights will be transferred to the buyer, including copyright.
In fact, for better security, a separate contract of sale could be included with the sale, such as a copyright license, which specifically sets out the conditions regarding the copyright when the transaction is completed.
Copyfraud and Infringement of copyright
Copyfraud occurs when a person mints an NFT of a public domain and sells it as their own.
Infringement of copyright or moral rights of a creator can occur when someone mints the work of another artist and claims it to be their own.
Both of these situations can turn pretty ugly for a creator especially because of the anonymity a blockchain provides. This can make it more difficult to verify who the real owner of the NFT is.
NFT is still a new technology and it has a long way to go until almost perfection is achieved until it is ubiquitously used in our day-to-day productive activities.
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Originally published on Coinmonks.