The difference between #Linux & #Ubuntu

The difference between Linux and Ubuntu is like the difference between an engine and a vehicle.

Linux is the name of the core component of the operating system. It is called a kernel, which is akin to an engine. The kernel manages input, output, memory, and processing.

An engine is pretty useless by itself, so it's bundled with a collection of useful parts that help you use the engine to achieve a goal. This collection of parts makes up a vehicle. The same engine can be used in many different models of vehicles with different parts and features.

Likewise, a kernel is pretty useless by itself. So it's typically bundled with a bunch of useful utilities and interfaces. This collection of utilities and interfaces is called a distribution. The same kernel (Linux) can be used in many different distributions (Ubuntu, Slackware, Debian, Mint, CentOS, etc.), each bundled with different utilities and interfaces (or unique builds of the same utilities and interfaces)


