Difference between the LAW (letter) and the Vibe (Spirit)
Mohan Thomas
Business Consultant at Digital Business. Marketing, Sales and advertising, motivating people to become self sufficient owners of their own business.
When I was a child, I was asked by my parents, to learn so many things, like the alphabet, the math tables, general knowledge, and many other things. I did not understand and got frustrated by those harsh instructions. I did not know the reason for learning all that stuff and did not perceive the use of that knowledge that would lead me to a well-educated person and the information gathered, which is stored in my memory will be of great use in the future. However, as a child, this was merely a memorizing process and seemed like meaningless letters or numbers. This is how LAW seemed to look at the outset. However, the writers of the LAW know that society is safe with the law and nobody can stop the innate intentions of man.
The LAW lies low when there isn't any indiscipline in society or with an individual. But the letter which did not have any meaning, will suddenly pop up with its interpretation and the dead words will become alive with action. This is the LAW with the vibe of punishment.
The LAW says "You shall not murder". However, a human being out of jealousy or by inborn nature, feels somehow, some type of feeling, nobody knows or which is not under anybody's control, tries to harm a fellow human being. The LAW by letter comes alive, against that act. However, the instinct of jealousy which led to murder, could have been understood in the human natural understanding. The vibe of understanding, that my fellow human being is just like me, a human being in flesh and blood, has not come into being by anybody's will or desire but by an unseen hand is the truth and sane knowledge, stops the activation of the LAW. The color, personality, status, or abilities are not faculties that should dictate your understanding.
The conclusion is thus interesting, that you can die to the LAW by invoking your spirit of understanding. There are unseen evil forces in the spiritual realm, which provoke people to act and behave differently. One has to perceive the source of such understanding and try to weed out such thought processes even at the inception. Love the true God and Love others like how you love yourself is the key. Let's put death to the letter of LAW and entertain the vibe of love.