The difference between high performers and chasing's not luck
Richard (Rich) Carlson
Transformational technology leader and performance coach - I bring the principles of high performance sport into transforming your programmes, your organisation and your team.
This week has seen a change of scenery as myself and eleven other golfers have headed off to sunnier climes in Turkey. If you like Golf and like some Winter Sun, or just Winter sun, I can recommend it.?
We have a mixed group, but the highest handicap is still better than the average in the UK, which is 17.1 The two best players in our group are scratch players, meaning they on average shoot under Par, therefore they are exceptional amateurs.?
I’m sure you are thinking that’s all very well Richie, but ’Why am I interested in your holiday?’ Well, I’m always looking to learn from performance situations and I’ve been watching and learning on this holiday as well.?
I’ve been looking at several components to performance and have observed the following so far.
Environment is important
Now I’m sure those of you stuck in a cold November in England may disagree and would like these problems, but there are many potential challenges associated with a golf trip that can impact peak performance.?
It may be a golf holiday, but it’s fair to say that golf comes second to the social scene. It’s not cool to be too serious and go to bed early or practice before a round. There are also several challenges that can impact performance.?
- Travel
- Early mornings and late nights
- New courses with different characteristics to home
- Too much food and hydration, but not enough water!?
- A complete lack of normal routine and sleeping pattern, as well as walking an average of ten kilometres a day in 25c temperatures
If we were elite sportspeople we’d have coaches managing these elements to help us recover, practice and prepare but we’re not. Which is why their impact cannot be underestimated.
Baseline Skills matter
There’s a reason the better golfers are off low handicaps and they are performing better on this trip. Their overall skill set is more developed and refined than the higher handicappers. They are biomechanically more skilled, they can execute their skills more regularly and consistently, they make better decisions and most are fitter. There is also less cognitive drain, in so far as they spend less time thinking to perform the required skills, because they have already reached a higher level of performance. Core competence is the biggest differentiator to performing on this trip. I can say that because the majority of the tourists are experiencing the same environmental constraints.?
The ability to adapt is key
The higher performers have adapted to the different courses, as well as the environment. There are a lot more hazards on the course with water being a feature on many courses. A psychological nightmare for higher handicappers if they are long enough hitters to reach the hazards, but not clear. The better players are more confident in their ability to hit the ball where they aim it (baseline skills) and as a consequence are not as concerned with the water and a negative outcome. Therefore psychologically they are confident because they have a lot more successful outcomes in the memory bank. They are also spending a lot less money on golf balls!?
Attitude and resilience creates time and space to perform
The high performers in the groups have the same constraints as the rest of the team. But their performance has been less impacted. Their inner confidence (supported by their core skillset) allows them to relax and as a consequence they can execute their skills better. Most of the players in the group can hit great shots. But can they do it when the green is surrounded by water and sand with eight mates watching? Apparently not! They seem less relaxed and often overthink how they perform the skill.
Another key element is generally the better performers show greater levels of resilience. Even when a better player plays a bad shot they recover their composure and reset more quickly. Either because they have a set routine they follow before each shot, or because they understand one bad shot or even a couple of bad holes does not define their round or their overall performance. This means they have the chance to perform their next shot to their full ability and that they don’t allow past performances to impact their future. Higher handicappers tend to be less resilient when performance dips.?
Lower Variance in Performance
Overall the main difference between the better golfers and the less successful so far has been their ability to perform closer to their handicaps than the others. Quite simply, they have found a way to perform despite the change in environment.?
Let’s use the example of an A, B and C performance.?
- ‘A’ represents the best that a person can play. An amazing day where they perform much better than expected
- ‘B’ represents the level of performance most often seen
- ‘C’ is a bad day.?
No one has put in their best performance, but the better players have found a way to turn a potential C grade performance into a B grade performances. Whereas the poorer players have stayed as a C Grade or turned a great start into a bad day on the course. They have done this by adapting to their surroundings, staying relaxed, making better decisions and giving themselves the time and space to perform.?
How does this help me or my team at work
Well, we may not be able to control all the environmental inputs into our performance but there are certain elements to high performance that can help us deliver our B game more than our C game, ideally turning B’s into A’s with more practice of these skills.?
Focus on developing and practising the core skills of your role so that they become second nature - This will help you do the correct thing when under environmental pressure and give you or your team the ability to be resilient when the going gets tough. It will also put less cognitive strain on the individuals allowing them to think more and adapt where required.
Be prepared to adapt - The ability to adapt is a key skill set to work on. Think of multiple scenarios that are far from ideal and practice adapting to perform at a higher level in that situation. Making the best of what you have. Have a Plan B, C and D prepared in case there are issues with weather, travel, illness or other elements that can impact readiness to perform. For instance, what if you make a pitch and the competition undercut your price? What will be your next step in that scenario? It’s good to plan that before you receive a call from Procurement asking for a best and final price.
Attitude - Recruit people with great attitudes already or coach attitudes especially resilience and mindset. This will mean different things to different roles e.g. Ability to manage No’s in a sales situation, take the positives then go again is a great skill. For customer facing roles the ability to handle difficult or rude customers but still deliver a great service. So invest time and effort in developing and practising those skills to turn C grade outcomes into B outcomes into A outcomes.?
Understandably more skilful people perform better when the going gets tough. But skill alone won’t get the job done. For this reason leaders, managers and individuals need to invest in their teams core skill development and additional skills around attitude under pressure and adaptability. By investing in these skills your team will be able to perform to a higher standard when the environment is less than ideal.
While the easiest thing to do is improve the environment you are performing in where possible by sleeping better, preparing properly, eating well and rehearsing your performance do so.? It’s not always possible so attitude and resilience are key.
I hope this week's newsletter has been thought provoking. I look forward to sharing more performance management ideas with you.
My Performance Coach offers Executive and High Performance Coaching for individuals and teams based on lessons learned from sport and business. If you would like to discuss more about how My Performance Coach could help you or your team, please book a free introduction to coaching meeting . Where we can discuss your challenges in further detail and follow our Newsletter for more content around High Performance.