Difference Between a Heart attack and a Panic attack
If you're not sure and don't know what to look for, the difference between panic attack and heart attack can be confused.
These incidents; panic attack and heart attack are somewhat similar in terms of symptoms.
For instance, let's say one's heart is racing rapidly and accompanied by pain in his or her chest region. Is this a panic attack or a heart attack? It is almost difficult to tell the difference.
In particular, when one has not had any experience regarding these, it is quite difficult to point…as stated by William Meurer, M.D., (University of Michigan Heart System Emergency Department).
In essence, we know it is difficult to find or know the difference between panic attack and heart attack but what's important is to seek medical attention, especially when you seem not to be sure about your health.
To this, call 911 so as to get evaluated as soon as possible.
From what I got after carrying out researches on these two incidents, I will start by saying that the major difference between panic attack and heart attack is that, before or during a heart attack, there might be a blockage in the coronary artery which may have the same symptoms as those of panic attack.
Again, according to cdc.gov, heart attack which is also known as myocardial infarction happens when a part of the heart muscles does not get sufficient blood. The more this happens over time, the more and greater damage to the heart.
I'm going to list the symptoms down below.
Coming to the panic attack, it usually occurs when at rest while heart attack occurs or develops before or during physical exertion.
Again, when the heart's workload increases, for example while an individual who does not always engage in physical exertion, engages in running up the stairs or working in the snow using a shovel, a heart attack is more likely to occur.
There is another difference between panic attack and heart which has to do with duration.
Heart attack will not subside but will only get worse over time (rapidly) while panic attack will gradually reduce, diminish or subside and get resolved on its own within 18 to 25 minutes.
Symptoms and differences between panic and heart attacks
These two incidents have similar symptoms but somewhat vary in duration. As it is, if you have five or more of the following symptoms, you may likely be experiencing a panic attack.
They are:
1. ??????Shaking
2. ??????An unreality sense
3. ??????Fear of dying
4. ??????Having chills or looking sweaty
5. ??????Numbness in the fingers and hands
6. ??????Anxiety with cause or without cause
7. ??????Losing control
8. ??????Nausea
9. ??????Chest pain
10. ????Shortness of breath or breathing difficulty
11. ????Choking
12. ????Feeling dizzy, weak and faint
13. ????Sensation of heart attack
Panic attack occurs unexpectedly, getting to its highest point within 10 minutes. The symptoms mentioned above normally decrease in a progressive manner until they disappear completely.
It is important to recognize the abovementioned symptoms and attack from other disorders.
A panic attack will cause feelings of horror and death, heavy heart palpitation coupled with chest pain which may also be interpreted as a heart attack.
Symptoms of Heart attack...READ MORE HERE