The difference between Hashing, Encryption, and Encoding
??. ?????????????? :
?????????????? ? Generates a unique fingerprint (hash) of the data, often used for data i?n?t?e?g?r?i?t?y or v?e?r?i?f?i?c?a?t?i?o?n?.
?????? ???? ?????????? ? Transforms data (like a password or file) into a f?i?x?e?d?-?l?e?n?g?t?h? string using a hashing algorithm (e.g., MD5, SHA-256).
?????????????????? ? O?n?e?-?w?a?y?, meaning you cannot reverse a hash to retrieve the original data.
?????? ???????? ? Ensuring data integrity, such as verifying passwords or checking file integrity (e.g., after downloading).
?????? ?????????????? ? I?r?r?e?v?e?r?s?i?b?l?e?; once hashed, you cannot retrieve the original data.
You can't reverse a hash, but it can be cracked using methods like brute force or rainbow tables to find an input that matches the hash.
??. ???????????????????? :
?????????????? ? Protects data by converting it into an u?n?r?e?a?d?a?b?l?e? format unless you have the decryption key.
?????? ???? ?????????? ? Encrypts data using algorithms (like AES, RSA) to make it u?n?r?e?a?d?a?b?l?e? without the key, and the recipient needs a key to decrypt it.
?????????????????? ? T?w?o?-?w?a?y?, meaning the original data can be recovered using the correct decryption key.
?????? ???????? ? Securing data during transmission or storage to prevent unauthorized access.
?????? ?????????????? ? R?e?v?e?r?s?i?b?l?e? if the correct decryption key is provided.
??. ???????????????? :
?????????????? ? Converts data into a format that can be easily t?r?a?n?s?m?i?t?t?e?d? or s?t?o?r?e?d?.
?????? ???? ?????????? ? Transforms data into an encoded format (e.g., Base64, UTF-8) to make it c?o?m?p?a?t?i?b?l?e? across different systems or mediums.
?????????????????? ? T?w?o?-?w?a?y?, meaning the encoded data can be easily decoded back to its original form.
?????? ???????? ? Facilitating data transmission or storage without altering the content (e.g., encoding binary files for email).
?????? ?????????????? ? N?o?t? ?a? ?s?e?c?u?r?i?t?y? ?m?e?c?h?a?n?i?s?m?; easily reversible.
???????? ?????????????????????? :
?????????????? ? Used for i?n?t?e?g?r?i?t?y? checks and is i?r?r?e?v?e?r?s?i?b?l?e?.
???????????????????? ? Used for d?a?t?a? ?p?r?o?t?e?c?t?i?o?n? and is r?e?v?e?r?s?i?b?l?e? with a key.
???????????????? ? Used for d?a?t?a? ?t?r?a?n?s?m?i?s?s?i?o?n?/?s?t?o?r?a?g?e? and is e?a?s?i?l?y? ?r?e?v?e?r?s?i?b?l?e?. N?o?t? ?f?o?r? ?s?e?c?u?r?i?t?y? ?p?u?r?p?o?s?e?s?.