The difference between guilt and shame
The Creative Collective NYC
A community dedicated to facilitating brave spaces for multicultural creatives. We also built #CULTURECON ???
Earlier this week, I lost my car keys. I had perfectly timed my morning routine and losing my keys was definitely not a part of the plan. I checked all the obvious places before my mini search party spiraled into a full-blown frenzy. Had I left them in my coat closet? Were they in another purse? I became a tornado in my room, frantically throwing clothes everywhere as I watched time tick by. I was going to be late. I was going to miss my appointment. "You're a?disaster, Imani... seriously?!"
I plopped on the bed, frustrated and defeated... and then, I heard a soft?*tink!*?as my keys fell from the edge of my bed to the floor.
On the way to my appointment, I was listening to an episode of?Super Soul Sunday, featuring a conversation between Auntie Oprah and Brené Brown. They discussed a lot of interesting things in the episode, but the line that stuck with me most was Brené's distinction between guilt and shame. She said:?
Guilt is saying, "I made a mistake."?
Shame is saying, "I?am?the mistake."?
How had the simple act of losing my keys escalated so quickly to a self-declaration that I was a disaster?! A?disaster?! I am not a disaster. I am a fully-capable and brilliant woman, who had misplaced her keys. And that happens, because?life.
Whether you are heading home to friends and family, or staying put in the coziest, warmest bed-- I encourage you to take an audit of the way you speak to yourself and to resist the urge to confuse a singular moment or chapter with who you are as a person and what you are capable of. Don't believe everything you think.?
You aren't messy,?you made a mess.
You aren't losing,?you learned a lesson and now, you won't make that mistake again.
You aren't alone,?you are feeling lonely right now.
What I want for all of us is more grace and mercy. Extended to others and?especially extended to ourselves.?
Thank you for continuing to support The Creative Collective NYC. We've been quietly building something so special and we love you all so much for always showing up for us.?
Get rest -- I can't wait to see you on the other side.?
With gratitude,?Imani