The Difference Between Guilt and Conviction

The Difference Between Guilt and Conviction


The primary focus on the word guilt being used here is the emotion of inadequacy attached to it, and not so much the committing of an actual offence. This is the unholy counterfeit of the conviction of the Holy Spirit, used to manipulate and impede one’s ability to function as a child of God. Shame has to do with humiliation that crushes the soul. It thrives on embarrassment while calling it "exposure." Shame is the demonic counterfeit of being humbled. It seeks total destruction and disgrace, whereas, Godly humility raises the individual up. It’s a stinging emotion that feeds off of guilt and shortcomings by using reproach as its thorn. The question is: are the feelings of guilt always bad? The answer is unequivocally yes! As already stated, guilt is a counterfeit of conviction. It effects the emotions. In fact, it uses them against the individual. Guilt drives a person further away from God; not closer, and it leads to shame and condemnation. There is no love in guilt. Its’ very core is manipulative and destructive. For example, people use guilt to get others to perform in a manner that is pleasing to them. The only one who benefits is the one who employs it. There is no give or receive, it’s?all take. Guilt is also used as a weapon of retaliation. One way some get back at others for wrongdoing, is making them feel guilty about what they did. They are not interested in seeing the perpetrators repent; they just want them to pay. They want power over them, even to the point of making them grovel. Guilt is also used to keep others at bay, or under their thumb. Before playing Holy Spirit, we should consider that we may actually drive others away, because we would be imparting guilt instead of conviction. Remember, the enemy uses it against people all the time, and should not be used by disciples of Jesus Christ. Unfortunately, some attempt to escape feelings of guilt by doing things that actually produce more of it. For example, how many have turned to drugs and alcohol in hopes of extinguishing the dread of guilt, only to wake up the next day feeling more trapped than ever. Adding insult to injury, they discover that in their stupor they committed another offence; thus increasing their feelings of guilt. How many have sought to compensate by overeating or power shopping, only to feel guilty about the overindulgence or purchasing things they couldn't afford with money they didn’t have? The list goes on. Impulsiveness can be a sign of compensation. Without true repentance, guilt perpetuates. ?Another case in point: some may believe they repented for wrongdoing; and yet still feel guilty, because they are planning to commit the same offence again. Their idea of repentance was groveling over the remorse they felt as the result of the guilt. They used groveling to "show sincerity"; even though, there was none. As if groveling would make up for it. Some will say, “I’m sorry,” even though they haven’t repented. In essence, they’re really saying, “I’m sorry I got caught.”


Conviction not only leads a person to repentance, it draws him closer to God, because the Holy Spirit is doing the work, based on His love. Of course, our job is not to play Holy Spirit; nonetheless, if He speaks and works through us, our words and actions, or even our silence and inaction, will convict. Conviction calls for change and humility answers the call. Guilt just holds on and makes you aware of your shortcomings. With guilt comes pride, and with pride rationalization. After all, guilt beholds to no one when pride is involved. Pride cannot receive forgiveness, whereas humility does. Even though individuals may hate the feelings of guilt, pride will not allow them to be washed away. The odd thing about guilt is that it is self-perpetuating. Pride does not allow one to do things God’s way. Those who feel guilty may seek to compensate for it, in order to alleviate the dread of those feelings. They may seek to do good things in order to deaden the feelings of inadequacy. They hope to balance the scale. Since they have impure motives, they're just dead works. While the deeds may benefit another, the focus is still on the self. For instance, when one offends another, he may use the old, “I’d feel better if you accept my peace offering” technique. It has nothing to do with how the other is negatively affected; he is more concerned with getting rid of the guilty feeling. Conviction on the other hand is concerned with the pain caused to others. In turn, one may feel remorse, because he injured another. The desire is to restore and heal the other. You can discern when someone is driven by guilt, or impure motives by their statements. For instance, “I don’t want them to be mad at me.” As if, them not being upset somehow makes it okay. Pride tries to earn forgiveness; humility asks and receives it. The former manipulates; the later allows for the free exercise to forgive. In the former, one can never do enough to alleviate the guilt, so the individual feels guilty about his inability to make up for it. He has no sense of assurance he's been forgiven. On the other hand, when someone humbly receives forgiveness, guilt no longer plays a role.

Overcoming Guilt

Romans 8:1 There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. ?In Christ Jesus, we are no longer condemned. We are free from condemnation as well as guilt and shame. Carrying guilt, shame, and condemnation essentially means one still needs to renew the mind. It's either that, or he does not believe the Word, and has not truly repented; thereby, holding himself captive to that bondage. Whoever we place above God’s Word is on the throne instead of God. Whatever we place above His Word is an idol. Therefore, the first step to overcoming this unholy thing is believing God, and taking Him at His word. Romans 4:3 For what saith the scripture? Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness. It is important to change our thinking to conform to His, which means spending focused time with Him, and reading Scripture while allowing Holy Spirit to minister His Word to you as read. Compare what you believe with what He says! Romans 12:2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.


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