Difference between digitize, digitalize and digital transformation
Digitize: The process of converting #analog information or physical assets to a digital format.
For example- if you have a collection of handwritten #love letters from your girlfriend/boyfriend/spouse and you use a scanner to convert each letter into digital #images or text files- this is called ‘Digitization.’
Digitalize: The process of replacing #manual processes with a digital process.
Taking forward our previous example- Instead of sending out printed card invitations of your party to your friends or family, you create a #facebook event or use digital tools like #instagram and #whatsapp to invite, coordinate and upload photos- this is called ‘Digitalization.’
Digital Transformation: The process of devising a new business application that integrates easily with all digitized data and applications.
Moving ahead with our example-?Instead of trying to meet new people through mutual contacts, college or office, you install a dating app(#tinder or #bumble to browse and find a good match- this, my friend, is called digital transformation. It certainly helps you reach to a wider audience, improve #efficiency, and enhance #customer #convenience.
(PS: Also, I am not promoting the use of #dating apps ?? ) ?
Hahahaha ?? what an example special for dating app ??