The difference between CPC and Pet Coke

The difference between CPC and Pet Coke

Calcined Petroleum Coke (hereinafter referred to as CPC) and Pet Coke have similar names,but theyare twocompletelydifferent products.What isthedifference between thetwo?Nowlet'slearnthistogether.


CPC: From the appearance, CPC is black block, irregular in shape, different in size, and has a strong metallic luster.After calcining, the pores of the carbon particles are moretransparent.

Pet Coke: Compared with CPC, the shape of the two is not much different, but the metallic luster of Pet Coke is weaker,the particle surface is not as dr yas CPC,and the pores are not astrans parent as CPC.


Pet Coke: Pet Coke is a product obtained by separating light oil and heavy oil from

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crude oil through distillation and then converting it into heavy oil through a thermal cracking process. The main element is carbon, and the remaining elements are hydrogen,nitrogen,sulfur,metalelements,andsomemineralimpurities.

CPC: CPC is produced by calcining Pet Coke. Raw material calcination is an important process in the carbon production process. During the calcination process, theelemental structure and compositionof carbonaceous raw materials will undergo a series of changes. Calcination can remove most of the volatile matter and moisture in the raw materials. With the removal of most of the volatile matter and moisture, the carbonaceous volume shrinks, the density increases, and the mechanical strength becomes stronger, thereby reducing the secondary shrinkage of the product during calcination.Themorefullytheraw material iscalcined, themorebeneficialitistothe productquality.


CPC:CPCismainlyusedasprebakedanodesandcathodesforaluminumelectrolysis, carburizers for the metallurgical steel industry, graphite electrodes, industrial silicon andcarbonelectrodes,alloys,etc.

Pet Coke: Needle Coke in Pet Coke is mainly used in high-power graphite electrodes, andSpongeCokeismainlyusedinthesteelandcarbonindustries


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