The difference between <class 'bytes'> and <class '_io.BytesIO'> in Python
Florent LIU
Data architect, Full Stack Data Engineer in BIG DATA, and Full Stack Developer AI.
The difference between <class 'bytes'> and <class '_io.BytesIO'> in Python lies in how they store and handle binary data.
1?? lt;class bytesgt; (Immutable Byte Sequence)
b = b"Hello, world!" # Creating a bytes object
print(type(b)) # Output: <class 'bytes'>
print(b[0]) # Output: 72 (ASCII value of 'H')
2?? lt;class _io.BytesIOgt; (In-Memory Binary Stream)
from io import BytesIO
# Creating a BytesIO object
bio = BytesIO(b"Hello, world!") # Initializing with bytes data
print(type(bio)) # Output: <class '_io.BytesIO'>
# Reading data
print( # Output: b'Hello, world!'
# Writing new data # Move to the beginning
bio.write(b"Hi") # Overwrites part of the content
print( # Output: b'Hi'lo, world!'
?? Key Differences
?? When to Use Which?
? Use bytes when:
? Use BytesIO when:
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