THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN CBD AND THC--Backing up before we go forward!
Jeffrey Hill
CEO - Hill-3 Holdings LLC. Investor, and entrepreneur focusing on start up and early stage
While my Radio Show NYCBD with Jeffrey Hill (also a podcast on IHeart Radio, iTunes, Spotify, and YouTube - NYCBDOFFICIAL), and my blog has moved to some very challenging global issues, I still get the majority of questions on this topic.
So lets back up BEFORE we keep moving forward. Lets explore: Is CBD psychoactive? — Overall, Because CBD is non-intoxicating, it doesn’t cause euphoric feelings.
Although the use of cannabis and cannabinoids is growing in the U.S. and around the world, you might be among the many who are interested in taking advantage of the benefits of cannabinoids but are hesitant because of marijuana’s potential intoxicating psychoactive effects.
Is CBD Psychoactive?
You may have heard of CBD products that are federally legal and asked yourself, “Is CBD Psychoactive?”
While CBD is not psychoactive, perhaps the better question is whether CBD is intoxicating or not. CBD alone is not intoxicating and, therefore, won’t produce euphoric feelings.
Both CBD and THC are cannabinoids, the active compounds that provide the effects from ingesting cannabis. One of the key differences between CBD and THC is that CBD (cannabidiol) is non-psychoactive.
THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) is the chemical compound in cannabis that is responsible for producing euphoric effects. While THC is most plentiful in marijuana, CBD is present in higher quantities in hemp, which is why all CBDelivery - CBD products contain no more than trace levels of THC and derived from pure hemp.
Some users report feeling increased relaxation when taking CBD. While this may be misperceived as being intoxicated, it is simply an effect of the CBD and shouldn’t be confused with the impairing psychoactive effects of THC. As such, low-THC and THC-free CBD products offer the natural benefits of cannabidiol without THC’s intoxicating, or psychoactive, effects.
Now that we know if CBD is psychoactive (alone it isn’t), read more below about the differences between CBD and THC as well as those between the cannabis plants hemp and marijuana to decide if non-intoxicating CBD is right for you.
As mentioned above, both CBD and THC are cannabinoids – more specifically, since they are plant based, they are phytocannabinoids. Even though both THC and CBD are cannabinoids, they interact with and affect the body in different ways, leading to different effects.
Another important distinction to make when discussing the differences between the cannabinoids CBD and THC, is the difference between Hemp and Marijuana.
Hemp vs. Marijuana
CBD’s distinct effects on the human body, while non-psychoactive, are also easier to understand when you consider where your CBD may be coming from: the hemp plant or the marijuana plant.
It’s important to first understand that hemp and marijuana are both members of the same species of plant, Cannabis sativa. However, the two plants are unique in their chemical makeup, resulting in their being used for very different purposes. Despite these differences, hemp is often wrongly lumped in with its illicit cousin marijuana in prohibition. We explore the important distinctions between these two members of the cannabis family next.
What is Hemp?
Hemp is a cannabis plant harvested commercially for its seeds and stalks, which are used to produce a number of products, including:
- Nutritional supplements
- Medicine
- Body care products
- Paper
- Textiles
- Building materials
- Plastic composites
- Biofuels
For cannabis to be considered hemp, it must contain no more than 0.3% THC per dry weight. This level of THC in hemp is far too low for hemp derived CBD products to get a user intoxicated. Hemp products are federally legal in the U.S. However, hemp is often cultivated to produce a much higher concentration of CBD. All of our CBD products are hemp-derived, containing pure CBD hemp oil and no more than trace levels of THC (some products contain no THC). We will be offering a NO THC option shortly.
What is Marijuana?
Marijuana is a cannabis plant most frequently harvested for its euphoric, intoxicating properties, which are responsible for marijuana’s euphoric effects. The fibers and stalks of marijuana are not used commercially. Instead, the marijuana plant is cultivated specifically for its flowers, which contain the highest levels of THC in the plant.
Through selective breeding, varieties or strains of marijuana can contain THC concentrations that range from 10 percent to 30 percent. Marijuana is also naturally lower in CBD than THC.
Because it contains high levels of THC, use and possession of marijuana remains federally illegal in the U.S., although 33 states in the country have passed laws that have legalized marijuana for regulated use.
CBD Oil Products - Made by Alchemists Kitchen
Now that you know the basics of CBD vs THC, and know that CBD is not psychoactive, why not explore more about its natural benefits for the whole family? Plant Alchemy CBD oil products is the "own label" brand of Alchemists Kitchen ( are made using hemp, rather than marijuana. Our non psychoactive CBD oil is available as daily supplements like pure hemp oil concentrates, tinctures, liquids, capsules, and CBD topicals such as lotions and topical salves. We even sell CBD for pets!
Hemp oil contains high levels of CBD and only trace levels of THC – far too little to be negatively psychoactive at suggested serving sizes, even in Plant Alchemy's most concentrated products.
However, if you are looking to eliminate concern over THC in your CBD supplement, we already offer THC-free CBD options like CBD Isolate and will have NO THC options shortly. But don’t wait for those, just educate your clients so they understand what we have currently, and we will continue to launch the products we think make the most sense for you and your clients..
Brick by brick….
Special thanks to Medical Marijuana, for their work on this piece.