Difference between Brochure & Catalogue 2021
Difference between Brochure & Catalogue

Difference between Brochure & Catalogue 2021

Brochure :

When we talk about Brochure. It means a short printed document, a piece of paper, it is also known as a pamphlet. It may be a type of Booklet containing descriptive or advertising material.

Catalogue :

On the other hand, when we talk about catalogue it is a book or document containing an Itemized list of products with some specifications and other details.

Brochure and Catalogue have a very small difference because both give some information about the company's new products. That's why it creates so much confusion.

Ever since the older days, people use different methods to promote their product or information. With the growth of cities, advertisement has taken new forms and found new life in the brochure and catalogues.

Brochure Definition

The definition of a brochure is

" a publication consisting of one folded page or several pages stitched together but not bound used mainly for advertising purpose".

New a Days if we visit any shopping mall we see a variety of attractive brochures of different products and services. they are not only good in design they use good quality of printed paper as well.

With the help of these catalogues and Brochure, they advertise a new product, locations, hopes, events, hotels, etc.


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