Difference between all these debt consolidation?
Difference between all these debt consolidation?
what's the difference with these debt guys?? consolidation vs. debt settlement vs. coucling services????? how do you choose which services to use? there's sooo many. and i know i need to be real careful with choosing one. does anyone recommend one they have used? i'd love info fill me in please. so far i think american debt control sounds good anyone know anything about them?
ANSWER: For Finance and credit solutions I always visit this site where you can find all the solutions. creditandfinancesolutions.info
Did you have a great or a bad experience with an auto loan company? Who and why?
Looking for a reputable auto loan company and want to stay away from the bad ones. Seems there are so many. Some have such prestigious-sounding names while others just sound like a sham. But who knows?
Auto loan not reporting credit not financed by a banl?
so i bought a 2004 hyundai santa fe in chicago,il. the company that financed me is not a bank its a small company i guess called TOTAL FINANCE, ive seen a lof of reviews saying they rip you off and they did they gave me an interest rate od 24% for 39 months. the truck was 11,800 but with interest its 18, 900 or so, i gave 3,000 in cash. so i was wondering if they are not reporting my credit and they are not a bank can they still report to the credit bureau that im not paying my car? ive heard some people say they took their car and left it there and they havent reported they didnt pay their car. i just saw the same truck a year less for 3500 and it made me mad, and i dont wanna pay 20000 for it. what can i do? plus in septemeber my job will end bc where i work the restaurant will close. so is there any chance i can get off of this big loan?"
Pay rent with credit card?
Greetings. So i have this airlines debit card that gives me 1 mile per every dollar spent when i use it as a CREDIT CARD, so i was thinking i would pay my rent with it, since i would get plenty a miles per year. However, my landlord only accepts cash or check/money order. Can anybody think of a way to do this? i dont think i can buy a money order with CC. Going to an ATM is not an option because that transaction will be as a debit card and i will get no miles."
How do i dispute my credit report?
i haven't used my credit in a couple of years and i have stuff showing up on my credit report
Can I be sued by credit card companies if my only income is Social Security Disability Benefits?
I've too much debt and no way of making even monthly payments.
Does anyone have tips on settling credit card debts?
I want specific tips for negotiating with the credit card companies. I'm somewhat meek and I know it's going to be hard for me to really stand my ground when trying to settle. I'm a few thousand dollars in debt, haven't been making payments for about 4-5 months so they should be desperate to settle. I'm just nervous about getting them to agree on an amount I can afford. I have a student loan and I can only settle for a certain amount of that obviously. Has anyone done their own debt settling before, without a consolidation company? Thanks for any advice :) (Please don't answer the question with comments about why I SHOULDN'T settle my debts or had bad credit cards are. This is something I have obviously already realized and not what I'm asking, I am set on paying a lump sum to settle.)"
How can i check my credit score without a debit or credit card?
How can i check my credit score without a debit or credit card?
"Am I the only one who sees marriage, kids and a mortgage as a trap?"
It seems most peoples goal in life is to grow up, go to college, get a degree, get a job, get married, get a mortgage and have kids. It's always the same hum-drum routine everywhere you look. And i'm not sure if its what they truly want, or if they're just doing what society expects them to do. Either way I don't think people realize how absolutely enslaving and entrapping that particular life path is. Let me explain: 1) Most jobs you will get with a college degree will be some sort of corporate, 9-5 office job, which will do anything but give you adventure and meaning in life. This is the first step towards your descent into emptiness and slavery. 2) A mortgage is purposefully set up so you can't pay it back, that's what interest is for. See most people don't make enough money to pay it back in full, all they can do is pay off the interest and maybe a little bit of the actual debt, so you spend the better part of a lifetime trying to pay the damn thing off. Your money is already being sucked away at this point, assuming you probably have credit card debt too, now add kids to the picture.... 3) When you have children, it becomes an unbelievable financial burden even with just 1 child. At this point you will be frantically trying to climb the corporate career ladder to get a raise, because your mortgage along with credit cars, bratty kids and car insurance is just so expensive. So now your life is all about playing the rat race game, sucking up to your boss and losing every shred of dignity in your soul to chase after a pay check raise. Also, at this point you will have no more time to yourself, between frantically toiling away at work and dealing with your children at home, you find you have no time for yourself, and you and your wife are becoming more and more distant. 4) You find that you and your wifes marriage has become more about finances than actual love, you are a team to deal with bills and kids, not a happy couple. So in the end she may either cheat on you, or divorce you and take everything....that is if you don't do it first because you're so tired of her crap. 5) You're now middle aged, and reflecting on your life you begin to wonder where the time went, how did you get here...etc, and suddenly it hits you like a ton of bricks... you have done absolutely nothing with your life, your job is empty, your marriage is empty, your Dodge Charger that you like to show off to your bar buddies on the weekend is empty, your kids are ungrateful and will probably do nothing in life except repeat the same empty, pointless dance that you did, only perpetuating the emptiness in society."
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
How long does a bankruptcy stay on your credit ?
How long does a bankruptcy stay on your credit ?
Lowest amount for an auto loan?
Hi everyone, I've been diligently researching auto loans and it seems that the lowest amount a bank or credit union will finance is $7500. I'm looking at cars in the $5k range just for light driving on the weekends. I'd rather get a loan for it than pay cash. Anyone know of any banks that will do auto loans for less than $7500? Thanks for your expertise, it's greatly appreciated!"
How do you get a free credit report?
I heard it's possible but I have my doubts.
Instant Approval Payday Loans?
Is there any easy way to get loans in times of CRISIS? that will be easy and has a short term installment. I need a quick answer. Thank you so much
Why don't my old debts appear on my free credit report?
I'm trying to come up with a budget and payment plan and I don't want people coming after me later
How much is the overdraft fee at Wells Fargo?
Is that per charge that you charge?
Can you split a mortgage 3 ways?
thinking for buying a house as an investment with colleagues. is there a way to have the mortgage in 3 names? if not, how would you make all parties legally obligated to make mortgage payments?"
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
I went to the bank today to see what my credit score was they told me that it was 690 is that good. Ohh and im only twenty. Im wanting a new car by june just wondering to if that would be a good enough credit score to get a loan. And im going to put down $5000 and it will cost $17000.
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Katie is buying a house and is looking for the best home loan to pay for her purchase. what loan should she choose?
Katie is buying a house and is looking for the best home loan to pay for her purchase. what loan should she choose?
Know of a Trusted Debt Relief Company?
I am $47k in cc debt and I've been searching around for a trusted debt relief company that will help me get out of debt quickly but not impact my credit score (up to date in payments so far) as i am just keeping my head above water and my credit score is still up there. I've heard of such places but some companies are just sharks. Anybody know of a company they have dealt with and came out ok? Thanks!
Is there a such thing as FREE credit report?
Really? Every site I go to gives me a runaround with no printout ar any info whatsoever. I'm trying to see whats wrong with my credit so I can begin the repairing stages myself but want to do so without giving an agent any percentage. Anyone know how to begin? Good sites? Etc?
What is the difference between the overnight rate and the bank rate?
describes as the bank rate"""
How long to come off my credit score?
The other day I went to apply for a auto loan they told me my credit isnt good enough. So I looked at my history. I had a forclouser on it from a house which wass my exwifes which my.name wasnt on the deed or mortage. I went to the courthouse they gave me pappers to fax to the credit bureau to clear it up. How long would.it take for.it to come off.my credit score im in need of a car bad.
How to negotiate an auto loan modification of my current car loan?
I own a 2005 Infiniti G35 Coupe. It has about 90,000 miles on it. It has a blue book value of about $17,000 and a private party value of $14,500. My loan balance is $19,453 and my monthly payment is $510. I'm considering giving up the vehicle ( i don't currently care for my credit right now). However, I would rather get a loan modification of either reducing my payment permanently along with my balance. My interest rate is about 5%, so it's low already. I was able to get a temporary loan mod for 12 months for $350/mo. I have about 6 months before my payment goes back to the $510. Do you think it's possible to reduce the principle balance? or would they rather take the car?"
Difference between all these debt consolidation?
what's the difference with these debt guys?? consolidation vs. debt settlement vs. coucling services????? how do you choose which services to use? there's sooo many. and i know i need to be real careful with choosing one. does anyone recommend one they have used? i'd love info fill me in please. so far i think american debt control sounds good anyone know anything about them?
ANSWER: For Finance and credit solutions I always visit this site where you can find all the solutions. creditandfinancesolutions.info
Bankruptcy...Help can i buy something just b4 declaring bankruptcy?
I did have the money 2 pay back when i took out the credit.. things have now changed and i am struggling to pay! I have been unwell, left single with a son to bring up had to move into a rented house. And i want talking about spending a lot of money i need a hoover if you must know and cant afford one... on and even though i am unwell with cancer i am still working to pay my way in the world so dont tell me to stop spending and pay my bills"
Is mortgage like rent?
If I buy a foreclosed house for, say, $2,000, and I pay it all up front, will I still have to make monthly payments like rent? Or is that only for buyers who borrow a loan and then have to pay it off? Like a student loan or something."
"How can I get a loan, with bad credit from past?"
I need to get a loan for 6,500 to put a horse fence on property, asap. I tried going through my bank I was denied. I tried having my dad co sign and that didnt work either..any suggestions or ideas on a loan place that will approve me for this..Thanks so much"
How do I start a business without starring on Shark Tank?
How do I start a business without starring on Shark Tank?
Can student loans be included into a chapter 13 bankruptsy?
im currently going to be filing for bankruptcy chapter 13 i was wondering if anyone has been able to include thier student loans into a chapter 13
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
How Free Credit Reports Help my Credit?
How Free Credit Reports Help my Credit?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
I make 35k a year and am buying a 150k house?
I have a gf and a best friend that will be stayin there with me. So really I'll be paying around 500. It is in a great part of Las Vegas and is a great deal. The friend has live with me for 5 years and will be doing so for a while.The GF is pretty serious also. Should this house payment be an issue? The 500 is including all my utilities. I have a car payment at 350 a month and very little cc debt
Fifth Third Bank Online Auto Loan Payment?
Is there a way to make payments online with fifth third bank? I cant seem to find anywhere on their site to allow me to do this.
"I have a good job , but bad credit , is there anywhere or anyone that i can get a small personal loan from?
i'am not looking for a payday loan either
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
"10 points!!! Consumer math help, 1 question?"
Your parents have a credit card with a balance of $3,287.90 at an interest rate of 14.5% APR. They pay $1,200.00 each month on the due date until the card is paid off. How many months does it take to pay off the card, and what is the total amount paid including interest? Please explain, thank you so much!!!"
Can I qualify for a personal loan without a job?
I am still in the interview phase with several jobs, but just found out that I have to move out of my apartment by the end of the month. I am sure I will have employment by then, but need to find an apartment ASAP. I'm looking to get a $2000-$3000 personal loan to cover the move-in costs. Does anyone know of a lender that would qualify me without being employed yet?"
Bankruptcy chaper 7?
Ok if anyone has filed this in the past few years how does the means test work? they want the past 6 months pay stubs and i was rlly confused on what they r going to do to see if we can pass it. I did not understand her how much is to much? Like i know there is a limit of money u cant go over to use the chaper 7 but how much is that? Thanks oh and does it matter how much debt ur in to file chaper 7? Dont say google it i tired and got a head ache from trying to understand lol 14 minutes ago - 3 days left to answer. Additional Details 8 minutes ago If your average monthly income for the past six months is below the state median for your size household, you meet the requirements of the means test"" (section 707(b)(2) of the bankruptcy code) to qualify for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy. what does that mean does it mean add all the ck stubs up to get the 6 month total or does it mean what u get per month????? posted this somewhere else but no answere."""
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Best place to get an auto loan?
My husband and I have been to two companies so far...EECU and Capital One and they both have denied us...EECU said our debt was too high (between me and him is 3,000). We both have good credit and it is quite frustrating that we cant catch a break, we know people that have filed for bankruptcy and get loans and other crap while honest hard working people such as ourselves cant catch a break. Any advice on this subject. Thanks :)"
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Can I sell my car if i have a title loan?
I'm selling my car for $2300. I only have $1000 to pay off the title pawn. Can the buyer and myself go to the title pawn place. Pay the balance and get the title on the spot? Then I can sign the title over to the buyer immediately?
Where can i get a fast loan online?
I know there are websites that will directly deposit money into my bank account. I have tried multiple sites already, but they just keep taking me around in circles. I just need a $200 loan until i get paid in 2 weeks. Is there any legitimate site, that will take me directly to the lender, instead of bringing me to offers, and other services. I need a site where I can fill out the application, be approved, and not have to fill out anything else. Please help. I've already tried us-payday-loan.com"
Medical Billing & Coding - Online Training Reviews?
I am curious to know how worthy"" it would be to enroll for an online training class in Medical Billing & Coding. I am interested in becoming a specialist in the field and therefore need to take a training course. I have read and researched a few websites that offers such classes but I am a little weary as to identify a ""good"" one. I am eying 'Meditec' at the moment (https://www.meditec.com/medical-billing-and-coding-training-course/). Does anyone have tips and/or good online training addresses. Also"
Car insurance cancelled on financed car..?
So I've been looking for a way out of my car loan lately because the payments are really too much for me right now...I know I shouldn't have got into it but I was young and VERY gullible. I just got a letter in the mail from my insurance company asking for me to verify the address I have on file with them ( where I park my car at night) or else they will cancel my coverage. So if they cancel my coverage, will I still be held accountable for the car loan? Or will I have to pay the balance off? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. :-)"
Has anyone successfully cleaned up their debt with debt settlement?
I am currently enrolled in a reputable debt settlement company about a year into the 3 year process. One account has settled so far. One of my creditors is suing me, but the company is working hard to get it settled asap and I have responded to the court. I am not ignoring the summons just in case we can't settle. I just want to know if anyone has gone through this process and cleaned up their debt for good. It is so stressful, but we were on the heels of bankruptcy and felt this was a good option for us to avoid bankruptcy."
Difference between all these debt consolidation?
what's the difference with these debt guys?? consolidation vs. debt settlement vs. coucling services????? how do you choose which services to use? there's sooo many. and i know i need to be real careful with choosing one. does anyone recommend one they have used? i'd love info fill me in please. so far i think american debt control sounds good anyone know anything about them?
ANSWER: For Finance and credit solutions I always visit this site where you can find all the solutions. creditandfinancesolutions.info