Diff bw := (Equal Weight Distribution) and :/ (Weighted Distribution of a Total)
constraint c1{Data dist {0:/5,[1:5]:/5};}
Equal Weighted Distribution: This constraint uses the :/ operator to distribute a total weight among the Values in the ranges.
Individual Value Probabilities:
If you ran the constraints Repeatedly for 10 times. 0 will be repeated for 5 times and 1,2,3,4,5 will be repeated for one time each. as the weight of 5 for the range [1:5] will be divided equally for all the values in the Range
constraint c1{Data dist {0:=5,[1:5]:=5};}
Weight Distribution: This constraint uses the := operator to assign weights to whole ranges, but not to individual values within those ranges.
Range Probabilities: The value 0 has a weightage of 50%. The entire range [1:5] has a probability of 5/5 = 10%. Within each range, individual values have equal probability.
If you ran the constraints Repeatedly for 10 times. 0 will be repeated for 5 times and the whole range [1:5] will be repeated for 5 times. but how many times each value will be repeated can't be predicted as the weight of 5 for the range [1:5] will not be divided equally for all the values in the Range. the whole Range has the Value of 5
Key Differences: