Anupama (.
Founder @ My Trip to India (MTTI) Tourism (India, Nepal, Bhutan) Specialist , Resorts, Hotels
Written By Dr. Trupti
'Wheat belly' is now a problem, the early morning newspaper advised me. My daughter insisted, " Apple cider vinegar is good for health" while my ayurvedic friend refutes it by saying, 'An apple a day, will get the doctor to you.' Everyday my husband returns from the gym getting the latest on what to eat and what to avoid. One day he says, ' let's stop rice and another day he says we should drink cinnamon tea in the morning. I had grown up on milk, now I am told, milk is only for babies.
I decided to look around at my family members. My cousin brother came from Surat and he is 79 years and is planning to go to a Rishikesh with his 140 strong club members. He is actively involved in social service and many senior citizen organisations in Surat city. My uncle 90 years attend his chartered accountant firm while my mother 83 has springs in her feet, as she is the first one to jump up when the door-bell rings. My other senior family members are all above 85 and healthy. My family tree on both sides has no diabetes, cancer or thyroid, they are all octogenarians and productive, so they must be eating right.
I scanned their food habits and realised that they eat a balanced meal. Chappti, vegetables, rice and dal, all freshly cooked twice a day. They all have a cup of milk and tea and their food discipline is note -worthy. They eat everyday at the same time and take an afternoon siesta. They enjoy ice-cream once a month and in summer even gorge on mangoes. They have never put on kilos nor have lost muscle mass. Their mind is sharp and they can recall birthdates of all the family members. I thought, they must be doing something right for the body and mind to stay in shape. They don't do reiki, pranic healing, chanting nor meditation to keep fit nor do they endlessly talk on the phone. They light a lamp but are not temple-goers. What is their secret mantra which has made them the privileged class?
The family had met on Wednesday and I was busy making notes while they spoke about their life. I picked up their eight-fold path on anti-aging.
1) The Path of SLIGHT EATING and NO DRINKING. The first helping is the last.
2) The Path of FASTING. This helps them to ration words along with food.
3) The Path of SPEAKING WHEN YOU ARE SPOKEN TO. This leads to minimum confrontation.
4) The Path of the HONEY -BEE. Keep oneself engaged and involved in housework, paperwork and social work.
5) The Path of FINANCIAL ABUNDANCE. All of them live off their wealth and many even support their children. This is the way to being independent at ninety.
6) The Path of NURTURANCE. All of them are in touch with their friends and family members. They organise get together so that they can be in touch with the younger generation.
7) The Path of PRIDE. They all speak about their achievements and share their wisdom. They listen to the achievements of the younger generation and this has created a wonderful bond between all of us.
?? The Path of HUMOUR. All my octagnerian aunts and uncles laugh a lot. They speak of living well, not dying at their age.
I folded the newspaper, looked at the Eight fold Path of Happy Being and knew that all information is not necessary for a healthy life.